Part 200 - Civil Money Penalty Authorities for the TRICARE Program  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 200.100 - Basis and purpose.
§ 200.110 - Definitions.
§ 200.120 - Liability for penalties and assessments.
§ 200.130 - Assessments.
§ 200.140 - Determinations regarding the amount of penalties and assessments.
§ 200.150 - Delegation of authority.
Subpart B - Civil Money Penalties (CMPs) and Assessments for False or Fraudulent Claims and Other Similar Misconduct
§ 200.200 - Basis for civil money penalties and assessments.
§ 200.210 - Amount of penalties and assessments.
§ 200.220 - Determinations regarding the amount of penalties and assessments.
Subpart C - CMPs and Assessments for Anti-Kickback Violations
§ 200.300 - Basis for civil money penalties and assessments.
§ 200.310 - Amount of penalties and assessments.
§ 200.320 - Determinations regarding the amount of penalties and assessments.
Subparts D--N - XXX
Subpart O - Procedures for the Imposition of CMPs and Assessments
§ 200.1500 - Notice of proposed determination.
§ 200.1510 - Failure to request a hearing.
§ 200.1520 - Collateral estoppel.
§ 200.1530 - Settlement.
§ 200.1540 - Judicial review.
§ 200.1550 - Collection of penalties and assessments.
§ 200.1560 - Notice to other agencies.
§ 200.1570 - Limitations.
§ 200.1580 - Statistical sampling.
§§ 200.1590--200.1990 - [Reserved]
Subpart P - Appeals of CMPs and Assessments
§ 200.2001 - Definitions.
§ 200.2002 - Hearing before an ALJ.
§ 200.2003 - Rights of parties.
§ 200.2004 - Authority of the ALJ.
§ 200.2005 - Ex parte contacts.
§ 200.2006 - Prehearing conferences.
§ 200.2007 - Discovery.
§ 200.2008 - Exchange of witness lists, witness statements, and exhibits.
§ 200.2009 - Subpoenas for attendance at hearing.
§ 200.2010 - Fees.
§ 200.2011 - Form, filing, and service of papers.
§ 200.2012 - Computation of time.
§ 200.2013 - Motions.
§ 200.2014 - Sanctions.
§ 200.2015 - The hearing and burden of proof.
§ 200.2016 - Witnesses.
§ 200.2017 - Evidence.
§ 200.2018 - The record.
§ 200.2019 - Post-hearing briefs.
§ 200.2020 - Initial decision.
§ 200.2021 - Appeal to DAB.
§ 200.2022 - Stay of initial decision.
§ 200.2023 - Harmless error.