§ 21.125 - Deviations.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Head of the DoD Component or his or her designee may authorize individual deviations from the DoDGARs, which are deviations that affect only one grant or cooperative agreement, if such deviations are not prohibited by statute, executive order or regulation.

    (b) Class deviations that affect more than one grant or cooperative agreement must be approved in advance by the Director, Defense Research and Engineering (DDR&E) or his or her designee. Note that OMB concurrence also is required for deviations from two parts of the DoDGARs, 32 CFR parts 32 and 33, in accordance with 32 CFR 32.4 and 33.6, respectively.

    (c) Copies of justifications and agency approvals for individual deviations and written requests for class deviations shall be submitted to: Deputy Director, Defense Research and Engineering, ATTN: Research, 3080 Defense Pentagon, Washington DC 20301-3080.

    (d) Copies of requests and approvals for individual and class deviations shall be maintained in award files.