§ 238.13 - National organizations.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Policy. OASD(PA) serves as the primary point of contact within the Department of Defense for all types of national organizations. In addition, on matters relating to the provision of information of DoD policies, programs, budgets, plans, and activities, OASD(PA) is the principal point of contact with business and industry. Establishment of this focal point is designed to avoid duplication and ensure that a coordinated DoD view is expressed when responding to the nontechnical needs of these organizations and the business/industrial community.

    (b) Procedures. (1) OASD(PA) serves as the principal Department of Defense point of contact for all national organizations (to include their local and regional chapters in the National Capital area) on all matters except:

    (i) Requests for information emanating from an organization and bearing directly on an individual DoD Component.

    (ii) Requests for speakers.

    (iii) Those matters involving contractual or consulting relationships.

    (iv) Matters pertaining to scientific and technical information. Scientific and technical information services are administered by the Defense Logistics Agency.

    (2) Except in the National Capital area, local and regional chapters of national organizations may deal directly with local commanders as delegated by appropriate authority. In the National Capital area, local and regional chapters shall be referred to OASD(PA) when they request support from the Department of Defense or any of its elements. When appropriate, OASD(PA) will refer the matter to whatever DoD Component can best fulfill the organization's request.

    (3) Authority for direct communication and liaison with organizations directly associated with specific interests of a single DoD Component is delegated (see § 238.8(d)(2) of this part) to that Component. Individual Components which maintain liaison with such organizations are required to carry on their activities in accordance with the letter and the spirit of policies set forth in parts 237, 91, and 40 of this title, respectively).

    (4) OASD(PA) periodically provides to national organizations information concerning policies, programs, budg- -ets, and other activities of the Department of Defense. DoD Components are encouraged to provide informative material to OASD(PA) for inclusion in these periodic mailings. Examples of Component-related material which would be proper for distribution to organizations through OASD(PA) include posture statements, significant congressional testimony, internal publications outlining important programs which will have a wide-ranging impact, and other major policy pronouncements such as speeches.

    (5) Policies regarding liaison and communication with the support for organizations representing business or commercial interests are outlined in part 237a of this title which also covers relationships with businesses, industries, and other commercial enterprises.