§ 2402.7 - Confidential commercial information.  

Latest version.
  • § 2402.7 Appeal of denialsConfidential commercial information.

    (a) A denial of a request for records, either in whole or in part, may be appealed in writing to the Chief FOIA Officer within 30 working days of the date of the letter denying an initial request.

    (b) Appeals may be sent via email to ostpfoia@ostp.eop.gov or by mail to: Chief FOIA Officer, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Eisenhower Executive Office Building, 1650 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20504. Updates to this contact information will be made on the OSTP Web site. The appeal letter should specify the internal control number assigned to the FOIA request by OSTP in its response, the records requested, and the basis for the appeal.

    (c) The Chief FOIA Officer shall make a determination on the appeal

    In general. Business information obtained by OSTP from a submitter will be disclosed under the FOIA only under this section.

    (b) Definitions. For purposes of this section:

    (1) Confidential commercial information means records provided to the government by a submitter that arguably contain material exempt from release under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4).

    (2) Submitter means any person or entity from whom OSTP directly or indirectly obtains confidential commercial information. The term includes corporations; State, local, and tribal governments; universities; non-profit organizations; associations; and foreign governments.

    (c) Designation of business information. Either at the time of submission or at a reasonable time thereafter, a submitter of business information will use good-faith efforts to designate, by appropriate markings, any portions of its submission that it considers to be protected from disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4). These designations will expire ten years after the date of submission unless the submitter requests, and provides justification for, a longer designation period.

    (d) Notice to submitters. OSTP shall provide a submitter with prompt written notice of a FOIA request or administrative appeal that seeks its business information in order to give the submitter an opportunity to object to disclosure of any specified portion of that information. The notice shall either describe the business information requested or include copies of the requested records or record portions containing the information. When notification of a voluminous number of submitters is required, notification may be made by posting or publishing the notice in a place reasonably likely to accomplish notification.

    (e) Where notice is required. Notice shall be given to a submitter whenever:

    (1) The information has been designated in good faith by the submitter as information considered protected from disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 552(


    4); or


    A)(ii) within 20 working days after the receipt of the appeal. If the denial is wholly or partially upheld, the Chief FOIA Officer shall: (1) Notify the requester that judicial review is available pursuant to

    2) OSTP has reason to believe that the information may be protected from disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4).

    (f) Opportunity to object to disclosure. OSTP will allow a submitter reasonable time to respond to the notice described in paragraph (d) of this section and will specify that time period within the notice. If a submitter has any objection to disclosure, the submitter must provide a detailed written statement of objections. The statement must specify all grounds for withholding any portion of the information under any exemption of the FOIA and, in the case of information withheld under 5 U.S.C. 552(

    a(B)-(G); and

    (2) Notify the requester that the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) offers mediation services to resolve disputes between FOIA requesters and Federal agencies as a non-exclusive alternative to litigation. OGIS' contact information is: Office of Government Information Services, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS, College Park, MD 20740, Email: ogis@nara.gov, Telephone: 202-741-5770, Facsimile: 202-741-5769, Toll-free: 1-877-684-6448.

    (d) If OGIS' services are requested, OSTP will work with OGIS and the FOIA requester to resolve any dispute as a non-exclusive alternative to litigation

    , the submitter must demonstrate the reasons the submitter believes the information is a trade secret or commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential. In the event that a submitter fails to adequately respond to the notice within the time specified, the submitter will be considered to have no objection to disclosure of the information. Information provided by the submitter that OSTP does not receive within the time specified shall not be considered by OSTP. Information provided by a submitter under this paragraph may itself be subject to disclosure under the FOIA.

    (g) Notice of intent to disclose. OSTP shall consider a submitter's objections and specific grounds for nondisclosure in deciding whether to disclose business information. Whenever OSTP determines that disclosure is appropriate over the objection of a submitter, OSTP shall, within a reasonable number of days prior to disclosure, provide the submitter with written notice of the intent to disclose, which shall include:

    (1) A statement of the reason(s) why each of the submitter's objections to disclosure was not sustained;

    (2) A description of the business information to be disclosed; and

    (3) A specified disclosure date, which shall be a reasonable time subsequent to the notice.

    (h) Exceptions to notice requirements. The notice requirements of paragraphs (d) and (g) of this section shall not apply if:

    (1) OSTP determines that the information should not be disclosed;

    (2) The information has been lawfully published or has been officially made available to the public;

    (3) Disclosure of the information is required by statute (other than the FOIA) or by a regulation issued in accordance with the requirements of Executive Order 12600 of June 23, 1987;

    (4) The designation made by the submitter under paragraph (c) of this section appears obviously frivolous. In such a case, OSTP shall, within a reasonable time prior to a specified disclosure date, give the submitter written notice of any final decision to disclose the information, but no opportunity to object will be offered; or

    (5) The information requested was not designated by the submitter as exempt from disclosure in accordance with this part, when the submitter had an opportunity to do so at the time of submission of the information or a reasonable time thereafter, unless OSTP has substantial reason to believe that disclosure of the information would result in competitive harm.

    (i) Notice of FOIA lawsuit. Whenever a requester files a lawsuit seeking to compel the disclosure of business information, OSTP shall promptly notify the submitter.

    (j) Notice to requesters. Whenever OSTP provides a submitter with notice and an opportunity to object to disclosure under paragraph (d) of this section, OSTP shall also notify the requester(s). Whenever OSTP notifies a submitter of its intent to disclose requested information under paragraph (g) of this section, OSTP shall also notify the requester(s). Whenever a submitter files a lawsuit seeking to prevent the disclosure of business information, OSTP shall notify the requester(s).