§ 248.4 - Policy.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. (1) Each DoD Component proposing to publish a DoD periodical shall conduct an evaluation to determine whether or nor the periodical should be established. The determination should be based on the following:

    (i) The periodical must serve a clearly defined purpose in support of the mission of the publishing DoD Component.

    (ii) The purpose to be served must justify the cost.

    (iii) High standards of editorial quality, accuracy, and good taste must be maintained.

    (iv) A periodical is the necessary medium of communication between the publishing activity and its intended readership.

    (v) Equivalent periodicals serving the same, or substantially the same, purpose do not exist.

    (vi) The potential readership can be specified clearly.

    (vii) The periodical can be distributed efficiently and economically to the intended readerdship.

    (viii) The nature, amount, and assured sources of information to be disseminated justify the foremat, production, specifications, and frequency of issue.

    (ix) Adequate resources are available to produce the periodical.

    Current or estimated costs are consistent with the periodical's objectives.

    (x) The periodical has current applicability and is consonant with existing law and DoD policies.

    (2) All personnel responsible for publishing DoD periodicals shall comply with the provisions of the current edition of the Government Printing and Binding Regulations 1 and OMB Circular No. A-3.2

    (3) DoD periodicals shall not carry partisan political compaign articles, editorials, or advertisement.

    (4) No appropriated or nonappropriated funds may be used to defray publishing costs of a non-DoD periodical published by a private firm, corporation, individual, or organization.

    (5) DoD personnel may not be assigned to serve on the editorial, production, or business staffs of a non-DoD periodical that is published by a private firm, corporation, individual, or organization.

    (6) Editors of DoD periodicals will conform to applicable regulations, laws involving libel and copyright, and postal regulations.

    (7) Dissemination of DoD statistical information in any periodical shall comply with the provisions of DoD Directive 5000.20.3

    (b) Elimination of duplication. (1) To eliminate duplication, periodicals dealing with common subject areas shall be published along DoD-wide functional lines, rather than individual Component lines.

    (2) No DoD Component shall be required to contribute to a consolidated common-use periodical more of its resources than it expends in publishing a related single-Component periodical.