§ 310.72 - DoD training programs.  

Latest version.
  • (a) To meet these training requirements, establish three general levels of training for those persons who are involved in any way with the design, development, operation, or maintenance of any system of records. These are:

    (1) Orientation. Training that provides basic understanding of this Regulation as it applies to the individual's job performance. This training shall be provided to personnel, as appropriate, and should be a prerequisite to all other levels of training.

    (2) Specialized training. Training that provides information as to the application of specific provisions of this part to specialized areas of job performance. Personnel of particular concern include, but are not limited to personnel specialists, finance officers, DoD personnel who may be expected to deal with the news media or the public, special investigators, paperwork managers, and other specialists (reports, forms, records, and related functions), computer systems development personnel, computer systems operations personnel, statisticians dealing with personal data and program evaluations, and anyone responsible for implementing or carrying out functions under this part. Specialized training should be provided on a periodic basis.

    (3) Management. Training designed to identify for responsible managers (such as, senior system managers, denial authorities, decision-makers, and the managers of the functions described in § 310.70 of this subpart) considerations that they shall take into account when making management decisions regarding the Defense Privacy Program.

    (b) Include Privacy Act training in courses of training when appropriate. Stress individual responsibilities and advise individuals of their rights and responsibilities under this part.