Part 317 - DCAA Privacy Act Program  

§ 317.1 - Purpose.
§ 317.2 - Applicability and scope.
§ 317.3 - Policy.
§ 317.4 - Responsibilities.
§ 317.5 - Procedures.
§ 317.6 - Procedures for exemptions.
Subpart A - General Provisions
Subpart B - Systems of Records
§ 317.10 - General.
§ 317.11 - Federal Government contractors.
§ 317.12 - Safeguarding information in systems of records.
Subpart C - Collecting Information About Individuals
§ 317.20 - General considerations.
§ 317.21 - Forms.
Subpart D - Access to Records
§ 317.30 - Individual access to records.
§ 317.31 - Reproduction fees.
§ 317.32 - Denying individual access.
§ 317.33 - Privacy Act case files.
Subpart E - Amendment of Records
§ 317.40 - Individual review and amendment.
§ 317.41 - Amending records.
§ 317.42 - Burden of proof.
§ 317.43 - Verifying identity.
§ 317.44 - Limits on amending judicial and quasi-judicial evidence and findings.
§ 317.45 - Standards for amendment request determinations.
§ 317.46 - Time limits.
§ 317.47 - Granting an amendment request in whole or in part.
§ 317.48 - Denying an amendment request in whole or in part.
§ 317.49 - Appeal procedures.
§ 317.50 - Requests for amending OPM records.
§ 317.51 - Individual's statement of disagreement.
§ 317.52 - Agency's statement of reasons.
Subpart F - Disclosure of Records
§ 317.60 - Conditions of disclosure.
§ 317.61 - Non-consensual disclosures.
§ 317.62 - Disclosures to commercial enterprises.
§ 317.63 - Disclosing health care records to the public.
§ 317.64 - Accounting for disclosures.
Subpart G - Publication Requirements
§ 317.70 - Federal Register publication.
§ 317.71 - Exemption rules.
§ 317.72 - System of records notices.
§ 317.73 - New and altered record systems.
§ 317.74 - Amendment and deletion of system notices.
Subpart H - Training Requirements
§ 317.80 - Statutory training requirements.
§ 317.81 - DCAA training programs.
Subpart I - Computer Matching Program Procedures
§ 317.90 - General.
§ 317.91 - Federal personnel or payroll record matches.
§ 317.92 - Federal benefit matches.
§ 317.93 - Matching program exclusions.
§ 317.94 - Conducting matching programs.
§ 317.95 - Providing due process to matching subjects.
§ 317.96 - Matching program agreement.
§ 317.97 - Cost-benefit analysis.
§ 317.98 - Appeals of denials of matching agreements.
§ 317.99 - Proposals for matching programs.
Subpart J - Enforcement Actions
§ 317.110 - Administrative remedies.
§ 317.111 - Civil court actions.
§ 317.112 - Criminal penalties.
§ 317.113 - Litigation status report.
§ 317.114 - Annual review of enforcement actions.
Subpart K - Reports
§ 317.120 - Report requirements.
§ 317.121 - Reports.
Subpart L - Agency Exemption Rules
§ 317.130 - Establishing and using exemptions.
§ 317.131 - General exemptions.
§ 317.132 - Specific exemptions.
§ 317.133 - DCAA exempt record systems.
Appendix A to Part 317 - DCAA Blanket Routine Uses
Appendix B to Part 317 - Provisions of the Privacy Act From Which a General or Specific Exemption May Be Claimed
Appendix C to Part 317 - Litigation Status Report