§ 317.121 - Reports.

Latest version.
  • (a) Submission to the Defense Privacy Office. The agency shall prepare statistics and other documentation for the preceding calendar year concerning those items prescribed for the annual report and any reports of the reviews required, and when directed, send them to the Defense Privacy Office, DA&M.

    (b) Report Control Symbol. Unless otherwise directed, any report concerning implementation of the Privacy Program shall be assigned Report Control Symbol DD-DA&M(A)1379.

    (c) Content of annual report. The Defense Privacy Office, DA&M, shall prescribe the content of the annual report but, at a minimum, the annual report shall contain the following:

    (1) Name and address of reporting agency.

    (2) Name and telephone number of agency official who can best answer questions about this report.

    (3) Agency Privacy Act Officials.

    (i) Senior Agency Official.

    (ii) Privacy Act Officer.

    (4) If your agency was involved in any litigation involving the Privacy Act.

    (i) Provide a citation to the case and a brief description of the background, issues and results.

    (ii) If the cases required your agency to change its practices, describe how.

    (5) Systems of Records Inventory:

    (i) Total number of systems of records as of December 31, 19XX.

    (ii) Number of exempt systems.

    (iii) Number of automated systems (either in whole or part).

    (iv) Number of systems deleted.

    (v) Number of systems added.

    (vi) Number of routine uses added.

    (vii) Number of routine uses deleted.

    (viii) Number of existing systems to which an exemption(s) was added, and

    (ix) Number of new systems to which an exemption(s) was added.

    (6) If your agency received any public comments on any of its systems of other Privacy Act implementing activities, briefly describe:

    (7) Access requests (first party requests which cited the Privacy Act):

    (i) Number of requests.

    (ii) Number granted in whole or in part.

    (iii) Number denied in whole.

    (iv) Number for which no record was found.

    (8) Amendment requests (first party requests which cited the Privacy Act):

    (i) Number of requests.

    (ii) Number granted in whole or part.

    (iii) Number denied in whole.

    (9) Appeals of denial:

    (i) Number of access denials appealed.

    (ii) Number in which denial was upheld.

    (iii) Number of amendment denials appealed.

    (iv) Number in which denial was upheld.

    (10) Suggestions: