§ 317.99 - Proposals for matching programs.

Latest version.
  • (a) Who initiates the action. The recipient DoD component (or the DoD component source agency in a match conducted by a non-Federal agency); or the recipient activity within the DoD component for internal matches, is responsible for reporting the match for Board approval. The responsible official should contact the other participants to gather the information necessary to make a unified report.

    (b) New or altered matching programs. Determine if the match is a new program or an existing one. A new match is one for which no public notice has been published in the Federal Register. An altered matching program is an established (published public notice) match with such a significant change that it requires amendment. An altered matching program should not be confused with a request for an unchanged extension of an established program.

    (c) Contents of report (original and one copy). (1) A proposed new matching program report shall consist of an agency letter of transmittal with the following attached documents:

    (i) Completed agreement between the participants.

    (ii) Benefit/cost analysis.

    (iii) Proposed Federal Register matching notice for public review and comment.

    (iv) Copies of all the appropriate forms (e.g., applications) of the participating parties providing direct notice to the individual or any other means of communication used.

    (v) Copy or copies of the appropriate Federal Register system(s) of record notice(s) containing an appropriate routine use providing constructive notice to the individual.

    (2) A report on a proposed alteration to an established matching program shall consist of an agency letter of transmittal with the following attached documents:

    (i) A report containing the significant change(s) and the following additional information:

    (A) What alternatives to matching the agencies considered and why a matching program was chosen.

    (B) The date the match was approved by each participating Federal agency's Data Integrity Board.

    (C) Whether a cost-benefit analysis was required and, if so, whether it projected a favorable ratio.

    (ii) Proposed Federal Register matching notice for public review and comment.

    (3) A report requesting an extension beyond 18 months of an established unchanged matching program must be received by the Defense Privacy Office, DA&M, at least four months prior to the actual expiration date and consist of an agency letter of transmittal with the following attached:

    (i) Justification for the extension (not to exceed one year).

    (ii) Certification by the participants that the program has been conducted in compliance with the matching agreement.

    (d) Who receives the reports. All reports shall be submitted to, and reviewed by, the agency Privacy Advisor and forwarded to the Defense Privacy Office, DA&M, for consideration by the Defense Data Integrity Board.

    (e) Action by the Defense Privacy Office. The Defense Privacy Office, DA&M, shall present proposals before the Defense Data Integrity Board which shall either approve or disapprove proposals on their merits. Any inaction based on insufficient data, justification, or supporting documentation shall be returned for any further corrective action deemed necessary. Any disapproved proposals are returned with the stated reasons. Board approved proposals are coordinated with the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs) and the Office of the General Counsel, Department of Defense. The Defense Privacy Office prepares for the signature of the Chairman of the Board (Director of Administration and Management (DA&M)), transmittal letters sent to Congress and OMB and concurrently submits the proposed Federal Register matching notice for publication.

    (f) Time restrictions on the initiation of new or altered matching programs. (1) All time periods begin from the date the Chairman of the Board signs the transmittal letters.

    (2) At least 30 days must elapse before the matching program may become operational.

    (3) The 30 day period for OMB and Congressional review and the 30 day notice and comment period for the Matching Notice may run concurrently.

    (g) Requests for waivers. The agency may seek waivers of certain matching program requirements including the 30 day review period by OMB and Congress. Requests for waivers shall be included in the letter of transmittal to the report. Such requests shall cite the specific provision for which a waiver is being requested with full justification showing the reasons and the adverse consequences if a waiver is not granted.

    (h) Outside review and activity. The agency may presume OMB and Congressional concurrence if the review period has run without comment from any reviewer outside the Department of Defense. Under no circumstances shall the matching program be implemented before 30 days have elapsed after publication of the matching notice in the Federal Register. This period cannot be waived.