§ 336.5 - Publication in the Federal Register of adopted regulations and other matters.  

Latest version.
  • Subject to the exemptions set forth in 32 CFR 286.6:

    (a) Each DoD Component shall publish in the Federal Register an informative, current description for the guidance of the public, of where, how, and by what authority it performs any of its functions. In deciding which information to publish in the Federal Register a DoD Component shall consider the fundamental objective of informing all interested persons of how to deal effectively with the component.

    (b) Information to be published in the Federal Register shall include:

    (1) Descriptions of the central and field organization of the component concerned, and the established places at which, the employees or members of the armed forces from whom, and the methods whereby the public may secure information, make submittals or requests, or obtain decisions.

    (2) The procedures by which a DoD Component conducts its business with the public, both formally and informally.

    (3) The rules of procedure which must be followed, the description of forms which must be completed, or the source from which forms may be obtained, and instructions on the scope and content of papers, reports, examinations required to be submitted pursuant to such rules of procedures, as adopted by the component.

    (4) Directives, instructions, regulations, manuals, policy memorandums, statements of general policy, or interpretation of general applicability adopted by the agency, and other substantive rules of general applicability affecting the public.

    (c) With the approval of the Director of the Federal Register, the requirement for publication in the Federal Register (1 CFR part 51, 37 FR 23614, Nov. 4, 1972) may be satisfied by reference in the Federal Register to other publications reasonably available to the class of persons affected and containing the information which must otherwise be published in the Federal Register.

    (1) In order to be eligible for incorporation by reference, the matter must be in the nature of published data, criteria, standards, specifications, techniques, illustrations, or other published information reasonably available to members of class affected thereby.

    (2) Incorporation by reference is not acceptable as a complete substitute for promulgating in full text material required to be published by 5 U.S.C. 552.

    (3) Incorporation by reference is acceptable as a means of avoiding unnecessary repetition within the promulgated document of published information already reasonably available to the class affected. Examples include:

    (i) Construction standards promulgated by a professional association or architects, engineers, or builders.

    (ii) Code of ethics promulgated by professional organizations.

    (iii) Forms and formats publicly or privately published and readily available to the persons required to use them.

    (d) It is incumbent upon each component to review all information of the type described in paragraph (b) of this section, to insure that it is published on an up-to-date basis in the Federal Register, including every amendment revision, or repeal. No member of the general public can be required to resort to, or be adversely affected by, any material not published as required by the foregoing provisions of § 336.5 unless he has actual and timely notice of the content of that material.