Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 32 - National Defense |
Subtitle A - Department of Defense |
Chapter I - Office of the Secretary of Defense |
§ 347.5 - Responsibilities and functions.
(a) The Director, DoD Dependents Schools, shall perform all duties necessary to organize, manage, fund, direct, and supervise the complete operation of the DoDDS. These duties include, but are not limited to, the following duties:
(1) Serve as the principal advisor and staff assistant to the ASD(FM&P) on
matters relating to overseas dependents education. (2) As required for the DoDDS to perform its mission effectively, develop policies and systems; conduct research, analysis, and evaluation; and issue guidance and regulations.
(3) Keep abreast of developments in the elementary, secondary, and higher education field to ensure appropriate assimilation of new programs and technologies in the overseas dependents schools.
(4) Enter into agreements with or through the DoD Components and other U.S. Government entities, and form such agreements as may be required for the effective performance of the DoDDS program.
(5) Establish subordinate offices and schools necessary to fulfill the mission when practical and/or cost-beneficial.
(6) Provide recommendations and support to the ASD(FM&P) in the development and justification of school construction, modification, and/or repair projects included in annual military construction programs.
(7) Develop, publish, interpret, and maintain:
(i) DoD 1342.6-M to implement this part and other policy decisions of the Secretary of Defense.
(ii) Eligibility policy and procedures for enrollment in an overseas dependents school.
(iii) Policy and procedures for the operation and management of the ACDE, the DEC, the Overseas Dependents’ Schools National Advisory Panel on the Education of Disabled Dependents, the installation and local advisory committees, and other EACs.
(iv) Policy and procedures for the delivery of education and related services for children with disabilities.
(8) Engage in collective bargaining and enter into collective bargaining agreements.
(9) Ensure that the DoDDS are operated in accordance with governing law and regulation and with appropriate internal controls.
(10) Enter into agreements with such domestic and foreign national school entities as are necessary to ensure the delivery of educational services under 20 U.S.C. 2701 et. seq., when no overseas dependent school operated by the Department of Defense is determined by DoDDS to be reasonably available.
(11) Accept gratuitous services offered in support of DoDDS programs and mission.
(12) Ensure timely and accurate preparation of budget execution reports and full compliance with accounting requirements in accordance with DoD 7220.9-M.
(13) Establish and operate a nonappropriated fund for the support of student activities that are not supported from appropriated funds.
(14) Establish membership in, and maintain liaison with, such professional educational associations or organizations as are necessary to maintain currency in educational developments and technologies, ensure the proper accreditation of the schools, and promote the advancement of educational goals and objectives.
(15) Serve as the Executive Secretary of the DEC.
(16) Serve as the Executive Secretary of the ACDE in accordance with 20 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.
(17) Perform other functions as may be assigned by the ASD(FM&P).
(b) The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management and Personnel) shall:
(1) Recommend policies and resources for the administration of the DoDDS to the Secretary of Defense.
(2) Exercise direction, authority, and control over the Director, DoDDS, through the Director of Education, in accordance with 32 CFR part 346.
(c) The Advisory Council on Dependents’ Education shall meet periodically to:
(1) Recommend to the Director, DoDDS, general policies for operation of the defense dependents’ education system with respect to curriculum selection, administration, and operation of the system.
(2) Facilitate the exchange of information between the Director, DoDDS, and other Federal Agencies regarding educational practices and programs that are relevant to the DoDDS.
(3) Perform such other tasks as may be assigned by the ASD(FM&P).
(d) The Dependents Education Council shall meet periodically to:
(1) Consider questions of policy relating to the DoDDS.
(2) Facilitate exchange of information between the DoDDS and the Military Services.
(3) Provide advice to the ASD(FM&P) on matters pertaining to the DoDDS.
(e) The Overseas Dependents’ Schools National Advisory Panel on the Education of Disabled Dependents shall meet periodically to:
(1) Recommend to the Director, DoDDS, general policies for operation of the defense dependents’ education system with respect to education of individuals with disabilities.
(2) Facilitate the exchange of information between the Director, DoDDS, and officials of other Federal Agencies regarding practices and programs that are relevant to education of individuals with disabilities.
(3) Perform such other tasks as may be assigned by the ASD(FM&P).
(f) The Comptroller of the Department of Defense shall provide technical advice and assistance to the Director, DoDDS, on budget and financial management activities of the DoDDS.
(g) The General Counsel of the Department of Defense shall provide legal advice on the implementation of this part.
(h) The Secretaries of the Military Departments, upon request, shall provide such facilities, logistics, and administrative support as are required for the effective operation of DoDDS activities and the operation of the DEC and other educational advisory committees and councils, including travel and per diem expenses of participant members. Reimbursements for goods and services shall be made in accordance with DoD Instruction 4000.19
7 and DoD Directive 1400.16 8 . However, reimbursement shall not be required for expendable medical supplies and support provided to the DoDDS, which will be furnished and funded by the supporting activity.