§ 518.59 - Reasons for not releasing a record.  

Latest version.
  • There are seven reasons for not complying with a request for a record:

    (a) The request is transferred to another DoD Component, or to another federal agency.

    (b) The DoD Component determines through knowledge of its files and reasonable search efforts that it neither controls nor otherwise possesses the requested record.

    (c) A record has not been described with sufficient particularity to enable the DoD Component to locate it by conducting a reasonable search.

    (d) The requester has failed unreasonably to comply with procedural requirements, including payment of fees imposed by this part or DoD Component supplementing regulations.

    (e) The request is withdrawn by the requester.

    (f) The information requested is not a record within the meaning of the FOIA and this Regulation.

    (g) The record is denied in accordance with procedures set forth in the FOIA and this part.