§ 518.73 - Response to the requester.  

Latest version.
  • (a) When an appellate authority makes a determination to release all or a portion of records withheld by an IDA, a copy of the records so released should be forwarded promptly to the requester after compliance with any preliminary procedural requirements, such as payment of fees.

    (b) Final refusal to provide a requested record or to approve a request for waiver or reduction of fees must be made in writing by the head of the DoD Component or by a designated representative. The response, at a minimum, shall include the following:

    (1) The basis for the refusal shall be explained to the requester, in writing, both with regard to the applicable statutory exemptions or exemption invoked under provisions of this regulation.

    (2) When the final refusal is based in whole or in part on a security classification, the explanation shall include a determination that the record meets the cited criteria and rationale of the governing Executive Order, and that this determination is based on a declassification review, with the explanation of how that review confirmed the continuing validity of the security classification.

    (3) The final denial shall include the name and title or position of the official responsible for the denial.

    (4) The response shall advise the requester that the material being denied does not contain meaningful portions that are reasonably segregable.

    (5) The response shall advise the requester of the right to judicial review.