§ 518.78 - Action by the court.  

Latest version.
  • (a) When a DoD Component has failed to make a determination within the statutory time limits but can demonstrate due diligence in exceptional circumstances, the court may retain jurisdiction and allow the Component additional time to complete its review of the records.

    (b) If the court determines that the requester's complaint is substantially correct, it may require the United States to pay reasonable attorney fees and other litigation costs.

    (c) When the court orders the release of denied records, it may also issue a written finding that the circumstances surrounding the withholding raise questions whether DoD Component personnel acted arbitrarily and capriciously. In these cases, the special counsel of the Merit Systems Protection Board shall conduct an investigation to determine whether or not disciplinary action is warranted. The DoD Component is obligated to take the action recommended by the special counsel.

    (d) The court may punish the responsible official for contempt when a DoD Component fails to comply with the court order to produce records that it determines have been withheld improperly.