§ 537.23 - Predemand procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Relations with the injured party—(1) Advice. The injured party, or, in appropriate cases, his guardian, next-of-kin, personal representative, or the executor or administrator of his estate, will be advised of the following:

    (i) That under the Act of September 25, 1962 (76 Stat. 593, 42 U.S.C. 2651-3, the United States may be entitled to recover the reasonable value of medical care furnished or to be furnished him in the future from the person or persons who injured him, or who were otherwise responsible for his injury or disease; and

    (ii) That if he is otherwise entitled to legal assistance under AR 27-3, he should seek guidance from a legal assistance officer regarding any claim he may have for personal injury; and

    (iii) That he is required to cooperate in the prosecution of all actions of the United States against the person or persons who injured him; and

    (iv) That he is required to furnish a complete statement regarding the facts and circumstances surrounding the incident which resulted in the injury or disease; and

    (v) That he is required to furnish information concerning any legal action brought or to be brought by or against the prospective defendant, or to furnish the name and address of the attorney representing him; and

    (vi) That he should not execute a release or settle any claim which he may have as a result of his injury without first notifying the RJA.

    (2) Statement. A written statement will be obtained from the injured party, or his representative, in which he acknowledges receipt of the advice in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, and provides the information required by paragraphs (a)(1) (iv) and (v) of this section. If the injured party or representative fails or refuses to furnish necessary information or cooperation, the originator of the notification of potential claims may be requested to withhold records as to medical history, diagnoses, findings, and treatment, from the injured party or anyone acting on his behalf pending compliance with the requirements in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. Mere refusal by the injured party or his representative to include the Government's claim in his claim is not sufficient basis, by itself, for this action.

    (b) Determination and assertion—(1) Liability. The RJA will review all the evidence including any claims officer's report of investigation and, after assuring completeness of the file, will make a written determination as to the liability of the prospective defendant and note his reasons for such determination.

    (2) Value. If the RJA determines that the prospective defendant is liable, he will also ascertain the reasonable value of medical care furnished or to be furnished to the injured party, in accordance with § 537.22(a)(3) and rates established by the Office of Management and Budget. When a military member has been retained in a military hospital for administrative reasons, or where the patient was absent from the hospital or was in a purely convalescent status, the amount of the claim will be recomputed to apply the outpatient rate, if under circumstances warranting only outpatient treatment in a civilian hospital or eliminate such periods altogether if the injured party received no treatment during those periods. In making these determinations the RJA will coordinate with the registrar or other responsible official of the hospital or medical unit in his area of responsibility.

    (3) Amount. In the event of doubt concerning the extent of medical care furnished or to be furnished an injured party, the RJA will assert the claim in an indefinite amount. Demand will be made in a definite amount at the earliest possible date, based on an estimate of a reasonable value of medical care to be furnished, if appropriate. The RJA will assure that the file contains complete statements of the value of medical care furnished, including all charges by civilian physicians, medical technicians and civilian hospitals.