§ 578.105 - Presidential Service Badge and Certificate.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Presidential Service Badge and the Presidential Service Certificate were established by Executive Order 11174, September 1, 1964 as amended by Executive Order 11407, April 23, 1968; Executive Order 11520, March 25, 1970; and Executive Order 12793, March 20, 1992. This award replaced the White House Service Badge and Certificate established by Executive Order 10879, June 1, 1960.

    (b) The certificate is awarded, in the name of the President by the Secretary of the Army, to members of the Army who have been assigned to the White House Office; to military units and support facilities under the administration of the White House Military Office or to other direct support positions with the Executive Office of the President (EOP). The certificate will not be issued to any member who is issued a Vice Presidential Certificate or similar EOP Certificate, for the same period of service. Such assignment must be for a period of at least one year, subsequent to January 21, 1989.

    (c) The badge is awarded to those members of the Armed Forces who have been granted the Certificate and is awarded in the same manner in which the certificate is given. Once the badge is awarded, it may be worn as a permanent part of the uniform.

    (d) Only one certificate will be awarded to an individual during an administration. Only one badge will be awarded to an individual regardless of the number of certificates received.

    (e) The Presidential Service Badge and Certificate may be awarded posthumously.