§ 578.128 - Multinational Force and Observers Medal.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) Medal was established by the Director General, Multinational Force and Observers, March 24, 1982. Presidential acceptance for the United States Armed Forces and DOD civilian personnel is announced by DOD on July 28, 1982.

    (b) Eligibility. To qualify for the award personnel must have served with the MFO at least ninety (90) cumulative days after August 3, 1981. Effective March 15, 1985, personnel must serve 6 months (170 days minimum) with the MFO to qualify for the award. Periods of service on behalf of the MFO outside of the Sinai, and periods of leave while a member is serving with the MFO, may be counted toward eligibility for the MFO medal. Qualifying time may be lost for disciplinary reasons.

    (c) Awards. The Director General, MFO makes awards, or in his or her name by officials to whom he or she delegates awarding authority.

    (d) Presentation. Presentations are usually to be made by personnel designated by the Director General, MFO. When presentation is not accomplished, any person with MFO service who believes he or she is eligible for the award may submit a request for the award to Commander, USA HRC, (see § 578.3(c) for address). This request must include complete details related to MFO duty, including geographical location and inclusive dates of service, and copies of all substantiating documents. Commanding General, USA HRC, will then forward each such request through the Office of Internal Administration, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, to the Multinational Force and Observers for consideration.

    (e) Subsequent awards. An appropriate numeral starting with numeral 2 will indicate second and subsequent awards for each completed 6-month tour. If an individual has not completed a cumulative 6-month tour, he or she is not eligible for award of the MFO medal unless one of the following conditions exists:

    (1) The award is to be made posthumously.

    (2) The member is medically evacuated due to service-incurred injuries or serious illness.

    (3) The member is withdrawn at the request of the parent Government for national service reasons under honorable conditions.