§ 578.34 - Armed Forces Service Medal.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Criteria. The Armed Forces Service Medal (AFSM) was established by Executive Order 12985, January 11, 1996. It is awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States who, after June 1, 1992 meet the following criteria:

    (1) Participate, or have participated, as members of U.S. military units, in a U.S. military operation that is deemed to be a significant activity; and

    (2) Encounter no foreign armed opposition or imminent threat of hostile action.

    (b) Eligibility requirements. To qualify for award of the AFSM service members must be bona fide members of a unit participating for one or more days in the operation within the designated area of eligibility, or meet one or more of the following criteria:

    (1) Be engaged in direct support for 30 consecutive days in the area of eligibility (or for the full period when an operation is of less than 30 days duration) or for 60 nonconsecutive days provided this support involves entering the area of eligibility.

    (2) Participate as a regularly assigned crew member of an aircraft flying into, out of, within, or over the area of eligibility in support of the operation.

    (c) Qualifying operations. (1) The AFSM may be authorized for significant U.S. military activities for which no other U.S. campaign or service medal is appropriate, such as—

    (i) Peacekeeping operations.

    (ii) Prolonged humanitarian operations.

    (2) The AFSM may be awarded for U.S. military operations in direct support of the United Nations (UN) or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and for operations of assistance to friendly foreign nations.

    (d) General criteria. (1) The AFSM provides recognition to participants who deploy to the designated area of eligibility for the qualifying operation. Outstanding or meritorious performance of non-deployed or remotely located support units and individuals is not justification for award of the AFSM. Such performance may be recognized by appropriate unit and/or individual decorations.

    (2) Because the AFSM may be awarded for a prolonged humanitarian operation, distinction between the AFSM and the Humanitarian Service Medal (HSM) must be maintained. The following rules apply:

    (i) The HSM is an individual U.S. service medal, presented to individuals who are physically present at the site of immediate relief and who directly contribute to and influence the humanitarian action. The HSM is only awarded for service during the identified “period of immediate relief”; eligibility for the HSM terminates once (if) the humanitarian action evolves into an “established ongoing operation beyond the initial emergency condition.”

    (ii) The AFSM is a theater award, authorized for presentation to all participants who meet the eligibility requirements established for a designated operation.

    (iii) For operations in which all deployed participants are awarded the HSM and for which the “period of immediate relief” coincides with the duration of significant deployed operations, award of the AFSM is not authorized.

    (iv) Humanitarian operations for which some (or all) participants are awarded the HSM, which continue beyond the “period of immediate relief,” may be recognized by award of the AFSM. The AFSM may be awarded for the entire period of the operation; individuals awarded the HSM for direct participation during the “period of immediate relief” are also eligible for the AFSM if awarded.

    (e) Limitations on awarding the AFSM. The following limitations apply when determining whether the AFSM should be awarded for a particular mission or operation or when determining eligibility for award to an individual:

    (1) The AFSM shall be awarded only for operations for which no other U.S. campaign or service medal is approved.

    (2) For operations in which personnel for only one Service participates, the AFSM shall be awarded only if there is no other suitable award available to that Service.

    (3) The military service of the individual on which qualification for the award of the AFSM is based shall have been honorable.

    (4) Award of the AFSM is not authorized for participation in national or international exercises.

    (5) The AFSM will not be awarded for NATO or United Nations operations not involving significant, concurrent U.S. military support operations.

    (f) Approval and designation of area of eligibility—(1) Approval of operations. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) shall designate U.S. military operations subsequent to June 1, 1992 that qualify for the AFSM.

    (2) Designation of area of eligibility. (i) The CJCS shall specify the qualifying area of eligibility for award of the AFSM.

    (ii) Prior to submission to the CJCS for consideration, the proposed qualifying area of eligibility will be coordinated with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Commander in Chiefs (CINCs) to ensure all appropriate locations are included.

    (iii) Upon the recommendation of a CINC and in coordination with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CJCS may adjust the area of eligibility to reflect changes in the location, scope and degree of participation of forces deployed to, and in direct support of, an operation for which the AFSM has been awarded.

    (g) Subsequent awards. No more than one medal shall be awarded to any one Service member. One bronze service star is worn to denote second and subsequent awards of the AFSM. To be eligible for additional awards, service must be rendered in more than one designated area and period of service. No two awards will be made for service in the same designated area. (Service stars are described in § 578.61)

    (h) Manner of wearing. The AFSM shall take precedence immediately after the Southwest Asia Service Medal.

    (i) Posthumous awards. The AFSM may be awarded posthumously to eligible soldier's primary next of kin (primary next of kin is defined in the Glossary).

    (j) Designated U.S. military operations, area and dates are as follows:

    (1) Operations PROVIDE PROMISE, JOINT ENDEAVOR, ABLE SENTRY, DENY FLIGHT, MARITME MONITOR, and SHARP GUARD, from November 20, 1995 to December 19, 1996.

    (2) Operation JOINT GUARD from December 20, 1996 to June 20, 1998.

    (3) Operation JOINT FORGE from June 21, 1998 to a date to be determined.

    (4) Operation UNITED NATIONS MISSION in HAITI; U.S. FORCES in HAITI and U.S. SUPPORT GROUP-HAITI from April 1, 1995 to January 31, 2000.

    (5) Operation PROVIDE COMFORT from December 1, 1995 to December 31, 1996.

    (k) See AR 672-20 for the Armed Forces Civilian Service Medal.

    (l) Description. The medal is Bronze, 11/4 inches in diameter with a demi-torch (as on the Statue of Liberty) encircled at the top by the inscription “ARMED FORCES SERVICE MEDAL” on the obverse side. On the reverse side is an eagle (as on the seal of the DOD) between a wreath of laurel in base and the inscription “IN PURSUIT OF DEMOCRACY” at the top. The ribbon is 13/8 inches wide and consists of the following stripes: 1/16 inch Goldenlight 67107; 1/8 inch Jungle Green 67191; 1/8 inch Green 67129; 1/8 inch Mosstone 67127; 1/8 inch Goldenlight; Center 1/4 inch Bluebird 67117; 1/8 inch Goldenlight; 1/8 inch Mosstone; 1/8 inch Green; 1/8 inch Jungle Green; and 1/16 inch Goldenlight.