§ 578.44 - Korean Service Medal.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Criteria. The Korean Service Medal (KSM) was established by Executive Order 10179, dated November 8, 1950. It is awarded for service between June 27, 1950 and July 27, 1954, under any of the following conditions:

    (1) Within the territorial limits of Korea or in waters immediately adjacent thereto.

    (2) With a unit under the operational control of the Commander in Chief, Far East, other than one within the territorial limits of Korea, which has been designated by the Commander in Chief, Far East, as having directly supported the military efforts in Korea.

    (3) Was furnished an individual certificate by the Commander in Chief, Far East, testifying to material contribution made in direct support of the military efforts in Korea.

    (b) The service prescribed must have been performed under any of the following conditions:

    (1) On permanent assignment.

    (2) On temporary duty for 30 consecutive days or 60 nonconsecutive days.

    (3) In active combat against the enemy under conditions other than those prescribed in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section, provided a combat decoration has been awarded or an individual certificate has been furnished by the commander of an independent force or of a division, ship, or air group, or comparable or higher unit, testifying to such combat credit.

    (c) One bronze service star is authorized for each campaign under the following conditions:

    (1) Assigned or attached to and present for duty with a unit during the period in which it participated in combat.

    (2) Under orders in the combat zone and in addition meets any of the following requirements:

    (i) Awarded a combat decoration.

    (ii) Furnished a certificate by a commanding general of a corps, higher unit, or independent force that he actually participated in combat.

    (iii) Served at a normal post of duty (as contrasted to occupying the status of an inspector, observer, or visitor).

    (iv) Aboard a vessel other than in a passenger status and furnished a certificate by the home port commander of the vessel that he served in the combat zone.

    (3) Was an evader or escapee in the combat zone or recovered from a prisoner-of-war status in the combat zone during the time limitations of the campaign. Prisoners of war will not be accorded credit for the time spent in confinement or while otherwise in restraint under enemy control. (§ 578.61 Appurtenances to military decorations)

    (d) The arrowhead device is authorized for wear on the KSM to denote participation in a combat parachute jump, helicopter assault landing, combat glider landing, or amphibious assault landing, while assigned or attached as a member of an organized force carrying out an assigned tactical mission. Additional information on the arrowhead device is in § 578.61.

    (e) Description. The medal is Bronze, 11/4 inches in diameter, a Korean gateway, encircled by the inscription “KOREAN SERVICE”. On the reverse is the Korean symbol taken from the center of the Korean National flag with the inscription “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” and a spray of oak and laurel encircling the design. The ribbon is 13/8 inches wide and consisting of the following stripes: 1/32 inch White 67101; 19/32 inch Bluebird 67117; center 1/8 inch White; 19/32 inch Bluebird; and 1/32 inch White.