§ 578.48d - United Nations Service Medal.  

Latest version.
  • Established by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 483 (V), December 12, 1950. Presidential acceptance for the United States Armed Forces announced by the Department of Defense November 27, 1951 (directive number 110.23-3).

    (a) Requirements. (1) Personnel to qualify must be:

    (i) Members of the Armed Forces of the United States dispatched to Korea or adjacent areas for service on behalf of the United Nations in the action in Korea; or

    (ii) Other personnel dispatched to Korea or adjacent areas as members of paramilitary and quasimilitary units designated by the United States Government for service in support of United Nations action in Korea and certified by the United Nations Commander-in-Chief as having directly supported military operations there.


    Personnel awarded the Korean Service Medal automatically establish eligibility for the United Nations Service Medal.

    (2) Service. (i) Service shall be for periods provided in this section between June 27, 1950, inclusive, and a terminal date to be announced later by the Secretary General of the United Nations, under either of the following conditions:

    (a) Within the territorial limits of Korea or the waters immediately adjacent thereto or in the air over Korea or over such waters; or

    (b) With a national contingent designated by the United States Government for service in support of the United Nations action in Korea and certified by the United Nations Commander-in-Chief as having directly supported military operations in Korea.

    (ii) The service prescribed must have been performed while serving with any unit as provided in paragraph (a)(1) of this section as specified hereunder:

    (a) While on an assignment to such unit for any period between the dates specified in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section; or

    (b) While attached to such unit for a period of 30 days consecutive or nonconsecutive, between the dates specified in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section; or

    (c) While on active combat against the enemy under conditions other than those prescribed in paragraphs (a)(2)(ii) (a) and (b) of this section, if a combat decoration has been awarded or an individual certificate testifying to such combat service has been furnished by the commander of an independent force or a division, ship, or air group, or comparable or higher unit.

    (b) Description. The medal is of bronze alloy 1.4 inches in diameter. On the obverse is the emblem of the United Nations (a polar projection map of the world, taken from the North Pole, embraced in twin olive branches). On the reverse, within a rim, is the inscription “For Service in Defense of the Principles of the Charter of the United Nations.” The medal is suspended from a silk ribbon 2 inches in length and 1.33 inches in width, consisting of 17 stripes, 9 of United Nations blue and 8 of white, alternating, each stripe 0.08 inch in width. A bar 1.5 inches in length and 0.25 inch in width, bearing the word “Korea,” constitutes a part of the suspension of the medal from the ribbon.

    (c) Exclusions. No personnel of the United Nations or of its specialized agencies or of any national government service other than as prescribed above, and no International Red Cross personnel engaged for service under the United Nations Commander-in-Chief with any United Nations relief team in Korea shall be eligible for the award of the medal.