§ 578.48g - Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal.  

Latest version.
  • Established by Executive Order 10977, dated 4 December 1961. This medal is authorized for:

    (a) Definitions—(1) Operation. A military action, or the carrying out of a strategic, tactical, service, training, or administrative military mission; the process of carrying on combat including movement, supply, attack, defense, and maneuvers needed to gain the objectives of any battle or campaign.

    (2) Area of operations. (i) The foreign territory upon which troops have actually landed or are present and specifically deployed for the direct support of the designated military operation.

    (ii) Adjacent water areas in which ships are operating, patrolling, or providing direct support of operations.

    (iii) The airspace above and adjacent to the area in which operations are being conducted.

    (3) Direct support. Services being supplied the combat forces in the area of operations by ground units, ships, and aircraft providing supplies and equipment to the forces concerned, provided it involves actually entering the designated area; and ships and aircraft providing fire, patrol, guard, reconnaissance, or other military support.

    (b) Requirements. Awarded for services after 1 July 1958, meeting the qualifications set forth below:

    (1) General. Personnel must be a bona fide member of a unit engaged in the operation, or meet one or more of the following criteria:

    (i) Shall serve not less than 30 consecutive days in the area of operations.

    (ii) Be engaged in direct support of the operation for 30 consecutive days or 60 nonconsecutive days, provided this support involves entering the area of operations.

    (iii) Serve for the full period where an operation is of less than 30 days’ duration.

    (iv) Be engaged in actual combat, or duty which is equally as hazardous as combat duty, during the operation with armed opposition, regardless of time in the area.

    (v) Participate as a regularly assigned crewmember of an aircraft flying into, out of, within, or over the area in support of the military operation.

    (vi) Be recommended, or attached to a unit recommended, by the chief of a service or the commander of a unified or specified command for award of the medal, although the criteria above have not been fulfilled. Such recommendations may be made to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for duty of such value to the operation as to warrant particular recognition.

    (c) Designated areas and dates—(1) U.S. military operation dates. (i) Berlin—from 14 August 1961 to 1 June 1963.

    (ii) Lebanon—from 1 July 1958 to 1 November 1958.

    (iii) Quemoy and Matsu Islands— from 23 August 1958 to 1 June 1963. Taiwan Straits—from 23 August 1958 to 1 January 1959.

    (iv) Cuba—from 24 October 1962 to 1 June 1963.

    (2) U.S. operations in direct support of the United Nations. Congo—from 14 July 1960 to 1 September 1962.

    (3) U.S. operations of assistance for a friendly foreign nation. (i) Laos—from 19 April 1961 to 7 October 1962.

    (ii) Vietnam—From 1 July 1958 to a date to be announced.

    Future area of operations will be announced as required.