§ 578.49b - United Nations Medal.

Latest version.
  • Established by the United Nations Secretary-General, July 30, 1959. Presidential acceptance for the United States Armed Forces announced by Department of Defense Instruction 1348.10, December 6, 1960.

    (a) Eligibility. Personnel to qualify for award must be or have been in the service of the United Nations, for a period not less than 6 months, with one of the following:

    (1) United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon (UNOGIL)

    (2) United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in Palestine (UNTSOP),

    (3) United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP).

    (b) Awards. Awards are made by the United Nations Secretary-General, or in his name by officials to whom he delegates awarding authority.

    (c) Presentation. Presentation normally will be made in the field by the Senior Representative of the Secretary-General who makes the award. When presentation is not so accomplished, any person who believes himself eligible for award may submit to The Adjutant General, ATTN: AGPS-AD a request for such award with copy of any substantiating documents. The Adjutant General will forward each such request through the Office of Internal Administration, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, to the United Nations for consideration.