§ 58.3 - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1). The virus most commonly associated with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in the United States.

    (b) HIV-1 and/or AIDS Education Program. Any combination of information, education, and behavior-change strategies designed to facilitate behavioral alteration that will improve or protect health. Included are those activities intended to support or influence individuals in managing their own health through lifestyle decisions and self-care. Operationally, such programs include community, worksite, and clinical aspects using appropriate public health education methodologies.

    (c) Serologic Evidence of HIV-1 Infection. A reactive result given by a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) serologic test that is confirmed by a reactive and diagnostic immunoelectrophoresis test (Western blot (WB)) test on two separate samples.

    (d) Host Nation. A foreign nation to which DoD U.S. civilian employees are assigned to perform their official duties.

    (e) DoD Civilian Employees. Current and prospective DoD U.S. civilian employees, including appropriated and nonappropriated fund personnel. This does not include members of the family of DoD civilian employees, employees of, or applicants for, positions with contractors performing work for the Department of Defense, or their families.

    (f) Epidemiological Assessment. The process by which personal and confidential information on the possible modes of transmission of HIV-1 are obtained from an HIV-1 infected person. This information is used to determine if previous, present, or future contacts of the infected individual are at risk for infection with HIV-1 and to prevent further transmission of HIV-1.