§ 626.16 - Contracting agencies.  

Latest version.
  • Contracting agencies, in coordination with their respective Command safety offices will monitor contractor performance in meeting safety requirements.

    (a) The contracting agency will establish an inspection program and schedule for all BDP contractors who perform contract work with BL-3 or BL-4. Inspections will be conducted by safety and health personnel. The schedule will include, as a minimum, the following:

    (1) A pre-award inspection on site, prior to contact award, for initial contracts for BDP work requiring BL-3 or BL-4 operations. If during a pre-award inspection, major corrective measures are required, a reinspection is required prior to the beginning of contract operations.

    (2) A pre-award inspection of follow-on BL-3 and BL-4 contracts.

    (3) A pre-operational inspection if a major change in procedures, facilities, or equipment is made after the pre-award survey.

    (4) Annual inspection of BL-3 and seminannual inspection of BL-4 contractor facilities, equipment, and operations.

    (b) Pre-award surveys and annual inspections of contractors performing work requiring BL-3 or BL-4 will be conducted by safety and health professionals trained in BDP operational safety requirements. Pre-award surveys and annual inspections of BL-1 and BL-2 contractors will be conducted by safety and health professionals or contracting agency representatives who are trained in biological safety inspection techniques. The Safety Inspection Checklist in DA Pam 385-69 will be used.

    (c) The contracting agency will require each BDP contractor whose contract requires the use of etiologic agents to prepare a facility safety program plan based on the criteria below and submit the plan to the contracting agency for review prior to beginning BDP contract operations. The plan will describe the contractor organization, and procedures for meeting DOD, Army, and contracting Command safety requirements as specified in the contract.

    (1) A safety training program for all individuals working with etiologic agents must be documented by the contractor and include, as a minimum, the requirements in § 626.7(e). Appropriate safety training will be provided to scientists, other laboratory personnel, and unrelated personnel such as technicians, clerical, and maintenance workers. This training will be documented.

    (2) The contractor must designate a qualified individual to be responsible for the entire safety program with full authority to develop and enforce contractor safety policies. Regular safety inspections will be conducted and inspection reports will be provided to the contracting agency upon request.

    (3) Policies for storing, handling, and moving etiologic agents within the contractor facility shall be included in the plan.

    (4) Policies and procedures for disposal of any etiologic agent waste must be identified. Disposal must comply with Federal, State, and local regulations as well as DOD and Army requirements.

    (5) An SOP must be established for each area where BDP etiologic agents are stored, transferred, or used. In addition, an SOP must be prepared for operations unique to any specific contract. The contractor will provide the SOP to contracting agency personnel upon request for review.

    (6) For contracts requiring BL-3 or BL-4, the contractor will provide (upon request) facility engineering drawings and specifications for the relevant etiologic agent containment areas, associated ventilation systems, and local approving authority. Also to be included is test data verifying that all systems adequately meet the DOD and Army safety requirements, as well as test methods for periodic recertification of the system.

    (7) MCE scenarios that ensure that all realistic threats are considered at contractor sites, see § 626.12 of this part.