§ 630.7 - Surrender or apprehension at other installations.

Latest version.
  • (a) If an AWOL soldier surrenders to or is apprehended by a provost marshal other than the parent installation, the apprehending provost marshall

    (1) Issues DD Form 460 (Provisional Pass) IAW AR 190-45, paragraph 5-2, and verbal orders to the solider to return to their proper station. The DD Form 460 and transportation requests are used instead of an escort if there is a reasonable expectation that the soldier will comply. Express mail may be used to forward the DD Form 460 to the absentee. DD Form 460 will not be required if the provost marshal elects to return the soldier through different means.

    (2) Prepares and forwards DA Forms 3975 and 4833, along with a copy of DD Form 460 to the parent installation provost marshal.

    (b) The parent installation provost marshal—

    (1) Completes a reference blotter entry reflecting the AWOL soldier's RMC.

    (2) Forwards DA Form 3975 and DA Form 4833, with an appropriate suspense, through the field grade commander to the unit commander.

    (3) On return of the completed DA Form 4833 from the unit commander, forwards the original and one copy of the form to the apprehending provost marshal. The parent installation Provost Marshal may retain a copy of DA Form 3975 and DA Form 4833 pertaining to the case.