§ 631.19 - Operations.

Latest version.
  • (a) In CONUS, incidents occurring off-installation normally are investigated by civil law enforcement agencies. These include State, county, or municipal authorities or a Federal investigative agency. When an incident of substantial interest to the U.S. Army occurs off-installation, the Armed Forces law enforcement organization exercising area responsibility will obtain copies of the civil law enforcement report. These are incidents that involve Army property or personnel. The civil law enforcement report would be processed according to applicable Service regulations.

    (b) In oversea areas, off-installation incidents will be investigated in accordance with Status of Forces agreements and other appropriate U.S.-host country agreements.

    (c) Off-installation enforcement operations may include the following activities:

    (1) Town patrol.

    (2) Town military police.

    (3) Air Force Security Police patrols and stations.

    (4) Civil police and civil court liaison.

    (5) Public carrier and civilian transportation terminal patrols.

    (6) Acceptance of active duty absentee or deserter military personnel turned over to Service police by civilian authorities.

    (7) Other activities deemed necessary, provided each activity is within the scope of military purpose and authority.

    (d) Activities in c above will be performed according to the Service policies in §§ 631.15 through 631.17. They will be based on the need and the fiscal and manpower restraints imposed by each Service. If practical, mutual agreements between two or more Services may be made to facilitate the conduct of joint Service off-installation enforcement services and absentee apprehension functions.

    (e) Armed Forces law enforcement personnel will—

    (1) Act under the command of, and be responsible to, military superiors and will not be placed under the control of civil authorities.

    (2) Exercise authority over civil law enforcement agencies or persons not subject to the UCMJ only when they are on a military installation.

    (3) Be authorized to apprehend persons subject to the UCMJ when there exists a reasonable belief that an offense under the code has been committed and that the person to be apprehended committed the offense. Civilians committing offenses on US military installations may be detained for the appropriate Federal, State, or local law enforcement agency.

    (4) Return apprehended persons to representatives of their respective Services as soon as practicable.

    (5) Process all reports received from other law enforcement agencies concerning crimes committed by military personnel, involving military property, or in which DOD has an interest.