§ 636.2 - Program objectives.  

Latest version.
  • § 636.2 Program objectives.

    In addition to the requirements of § 634.5 of this subchapter:

    (a) The entry of motor vehicles on the Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield reservation is permitted by the Commanding General under the conditions prescribed by this part. Upon entering the military reservation, the driver subjects himself and his vehicle to reasonable search. The authority to search vehicles on post is subject to the provisions of AR 190-22 and AR 210-10. This part is not applicable to vehicle safety inspections and spot checks conducted primarily for purposes of safety.

    (b) The Military Police may:

    (1) Inspect any vehicle operated on the reservation for mechanical condition.

    (2) Impound, exclude, or remove from the reservation any vehicle used as an instrument in a crime, suspected of being stolen, abandoned, inoperable, unregistered, or being operated by a person under the influence of intoxicants or drugs. No vehicle will be impounded unless the impoundment meets the requirements of AR 190-5, paragraph 6-2 (32 CFR 634.50) and § 636.38 of this subpart. In the event a vehicle is impounded as an instrument of crime (particularly in the transport of illegal drugs or weapons), coordination will be made with the appropriate civilian law enforcement agencies.

    (3) Subsequent to a lawful apprehension, seize for administrative forfeiture proceedings all conveyances which are used, or are intended to be used to transport, sell or receive, process or conceal illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia, or in any way facilitate the foregoing. A conveyance is defined as any mobile object capable of transporting objects or people (e.g., automobile, truck, motorcycle, boat, airplane, etc.).

    (c) The Commander or other persons designated authority by the Commander may suspend or revoke the installation driving privileges of any person as authorized by part 634 of this subchapter and this section.

    (d) Unit commanders may request temporary suspension of an assigned member's installation driving privilege for cause (e.g., continued minor driving infractions, numerous parking violations, etc.). Such requests will be submitted in writing to the Commander, 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) and Fort Stewart, ATTN: AFZP-PM, Fort Stewart, Georgia 31314-5000. Reasons for such requests will be explained. Unit commanders retain the authority to suspend a soldier's military vehicle driving privileges in accordance with AR 385-55.