§ 643.9 - Approval of availability outside the United States.  

Latest version.
  • § 643.9 Approval of availability outside the United States.

    Overseas commanders may authorize the use by another military department or a Federal agency of an installation or portion thereof located in designated overseas areas and in foreign countries when the real estate is not for the time needed for Army purposes or its concurrent use for other purposes will not interfere with the mission of the installation and such other use is not inconsistent with the agreement under which the property was acquired. Overseas commanders may also authorize any use of such property which is necessary in the accomplishment of the DA mission for which the property was acquired. All other proposed uses will be coordinated with the United States diplomatic mission in the country involved prior to submission to HQDA (DAEN-REM) WASH DC 20314, for approval. Where the overseas commander is authorized to approve such use, the commander or designee will prepare and execute the necessary grant.