Subpart B - Policy  

§ 643.21 - Policy - Surveillance.
§ 643.22 - Policy - Public safety: Requirement for early identification of lands containing dangerous materials.
§ 643.23 - Policy - Preference.
§ 643.24 - Policy - Competition.
§ 643.25 - Policy - Grants which may embarrass the Department of the Army.
§ 643.26 - Policy - Commercial advertising on reservations.
§ 643.27 - Policy - Environmental considerations.
§ 643.28 - Policy - Historic and cultural environment.
§ 643.29 - Policy - Archeological surveys.
§ 643.30 - Policy - Construction projects and activities; protection of historical and archeological data.
§ 643.31 - Policy - Flood hazards.
§ 643.32 - Policy - Endangered species.
§ 643.33 - Policy - Coastal zone management.
§ 643.34 - Policy - Public utilities on installations.
§ 643.35 - Policy - Mineral leasing on lands controlled by the Department of the Army.
§ 643.36 - Policy - Interim leasing of excess properties to facilitate economic readjustment.
§ 643.37 - Policy - Requests to search for treasure trove.
§ 643.38 - Policy - Utility rates.
§ 643.39 - Policy - American National Red Cross.
§ 643.40 - Policy - Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA).
§ 643.41 - Policy - National Guard use.
§ 643.42 - Policy - Consents for crossing of rights-of-ways and similar interests owned by the United States.