§ 644.138 - Family housing leasing program.  

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  • § 644.138 Family housing leasing program.

    Section 515 of Pub. L. 84-161 (69 Stat. 324), as amended by Pub. L. 95-82, approved 1 Aug 1977, authorizes the expenditure of an average of $280 per month for each military department for housing facilities in the United States (other than Alaska and Hawaii) and in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and an average of $350 per month for each military department for housing facilities in Alaska, Hawaii and Guam. In both cases the maximum rental rate per unit per month including utilities, operations and maintenance is $450. These rental figures are subject to change each year in the annual Military Construction Authorization Acts. Updated rental figures should be obtained from the current MCA Act. The Department of Defense allocates to each department of the military the number of units it can acquire pursuant to the authorization, and each year Division and District Engineers are informed of the unit allocations by the Chief of Engineers.

    (a) Leasing requests. The Departments of the Army and Air Force direct their requests for the leasing of family housing units to the Division or District Engineer. Each military element involved has the responsibility of maintaining the national rental average. Each command prescribes the procedures to be followed in acquiring family housing units. Such procedures which include size of accommodations and maximum rental rate will be followed by the Division or District Engineer.

    (b) Use of available housing. Priority shall be given to the leasing of adequate Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and Veterans Administration (VA) held units to the extent that such units may be available at locations which are granted lease allocations. FHA Form 2372A, as modified, will be used in leasing FHA housing for use as public quarters by military personnel. A similar form, modified as needed, will be used for VA held housing units.

    (c) Nondiscrimination provision. All leases for family housing units which are executed on behalf of the United States shall contain the following nondiscrimination clause:

    It is understood and agreed that the Government will assign the demised premises to military personnel in accordance with Executive Order 11063, dated 20 November 1962, which provides that housing and related facilities shall be available without discrimination among tenants because of race, color, creed, sex or national origin.

    (d) Pest control. In agreement with the lessor, whenever possible, the lessor will affirmatively assume responsibility for pest control in family housing units. The following clause will be included in family housing leases:

    It is understood and agreed that the lessor will be responsible to provide pest control measures and pesticides, which conform to local health department regulations, to keep the premises free from pests and in a tenantable condition.

    It is intended that the occupant will maintain the leased premises in a clean and sanitary condition in conformance with normal standards of good housekeeping, and that the lessor will furnish leased housing in pest-free condition and maintain the premises free of pest infestation.

    (e) Leasing actions.

    (1) Division and District Engineers will proceed with acquiring the family housing units within the framework of the leasing requests. Care is to be taken to assure that there are no violations of the Economy Act, i.e., the net rental will not exceed 15 percent of the estimated fee value of the space or building contemplated for leasing.

    (2) At the discretion of the Division or District Engineer and the Chief of the Real Estate Division, Standard Form 2B may be used for family housing leases, regardless of the rental rate.

    (3) Emergency repairs may be accomplished in accordance with § 644.135(f)(5).

    (f) Supplemental payments. All leases for family housing units which are executed on behalf of the United States shall contain the following clause prohibiting supplemental payments: “The Lessor hereby agrees that the rental consideration specified herein is the only consideration to be received for the demised premises and includes payment for all utilities, maintenance and services specified herein. No other remuneration will be paid by the Government's occupant, members of his family, or any other person on their behalf.”