§ 644.329 - Army civil works real property.  

Latest version.
  • § 644.329 Army civil works real property.

    (a) Fee-owned land and easements.

    (1) Action by Division/District Engineer (DE). When the DE is of the opinion that real property acquired in fee or easement for a civil works project is no longer required for such purpose, he will submit a report and recommendation to HQDA (DAEN-REM) WASH DC 20314, accompanied by:

    (i) A brief description of the character or nature of the land with an appropriately marked map showing the approximate acreage consideration to be excess. Detailed perimeter descriptions need not be procured or furnished with the report and recommendation for excessing.

    (ii) Description of buildings and improvements.

    (iii) Information as to circumstances that might hinder or prevent disposition, e.g. remoteness of location, unfavorable topography, and lack of legal access.

    (iv) Information as to when and how the property was acquired.

    (v) Information as to the estate which the Government has in the land, reservations and exceptions in and to the Government's title, and outstanding interests granted by the Government or reserved or excepted in the acquisition of the land, will be stated with particularity. The map or plat will delineate any grant, exception or reservation, such as telephone, telegraph, electric transmission, oil, gas, and water lines.

    (vi) Purchase price of lands (estimate if only a portion of original tract), buildings and improvements acquired with the lands, and the cost of buildings and improvements, if any, constructed by the United States.

    (2) Action by the Office of the Chief of Engineers. When the value of an easement interest reported pursuant to (a)(1) of this section does not exceed $1,500, OCE will make the final determination of excess and authorize action accordingly. In the case of fee-owned land regardless of value, or easement interests having a value in excess of $1,500, when OCE finds that no requirement for the property exists, a recommendation will be made to the Secretary of the Army that authority be granted for disposal of the property.

    (b) Leaseholds. When the DE is of the opinion that real property acquired by lease for a civil works project is no longer required for such purpose, and after screening the property for other Federal requirements in accordance with §§ 644.333 through 644.339, he will take necessary action to terminate the lease in accordance with the procedure outlined in §§ 644.444 through 644.471.