§ 644.387 - Suspension of acquisition action on installations proposed for disposal.  

Latest version.
  • § 644.387 Suspension of acquisition action on installations proposed for disposal.

    When a fee-owned installation is recommended for excess by the installation commander, or a preliminary or final real estate disposal directive is issued by the Air Force, any pending acquisition in connection with the installation will be suspended, unless the directive provides otherwise. A recommended plan for curtailment of uncompleted acquisition will be submitted to HQDA (DAEN-REA-L) WASH DC 20314. The plan will include the following information: Identification by tract numbers, names of owners, and area of each tract for which an option has been accepted or a declaration of taking filed, but as to which it is considered practicable and economical to obtain cancellation of the option or a stipulation for dismissal of the condemnation proceeding and revestment of title. Specific information as to the extent and nature of demolition of improvements, new construction, or other damages or changes made by the Government to the premises, and the probable cost of restoration in case of such cancellation or stipulation, will be included. Pertinent public relations aspects should also be covered. Generally, tracts on which a declaration of taking has been filed will not be returned to the owners by stipulation for amendment or dismissal of the condemnation proceedings. Exceptions to this may be recommended when shown to be in the best of interest of the United States.