§ 644.530 - Conditions in conveying land suspected of contamination.  

Latest version.
  • § 644.530 Conditions in conveying land suspected of contamination.

    The following conditions, appropriately modified to conform to local law, will be included in deeds conveying land which is, or is suspected of being, contaminated with explosive or toxic materials and is restricted to surface use: (GSA should be requested to include these conditions in deeds that they prepare.)

    Whereas, said property was a part of (Name of Installation) , a military installation used for , and portions of this property were subject to contamination by the introduction into the said installation of bombs, shells and other charges (insert reference to toxic chemical/biological agents, if applicable) either below or upon the surface thereof; and

    Whereas, the grantor has caused the property to be inspected and has decontaminated the said property to the extent deemed reasonably necessary, and, to the extent deemed consistent with sound economic limitations, has cleared the property of all dangerous and explosive materials and/or chemical/biological agents, reasonably possible to detect, and has made certain recommendations pertaining to the use to which the land may be devoted, and the said recommendations are contained in a statement, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof; and

    Whereas, the grantor, by attaching such statement, does not intend to make, nor shall it be construed to have made, any representations or warranties pertaining to the condition of the land; and

    Whereas, the hereinafter-designated grantee has entered into a contract to purchase said property with full knowledge of, and notwithstanding the foregoing recitals which are incorporated for the purpose of disclosing the former use made of the property hereinafter described; and

    Whereas, by acceptance of this instrument, the grantee admits and confesses to full knowledge with respect to the facts contained in the foregoing recitals as to possible contaminated condition of the property;

    Now, therefore, by acceptance of this instrument, and as a further consideration for this conveyance, the grantee here convenants and agrees for himself, his heirs, successors, or assigns, to assume all risk for all personal injuries and property damages arising out of ownership, maintanance, use, and occupation of the foregoing property; and further covenants and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the United States of America, its servants, agents, officers, and employees, against any and all liability, claims, causes of action, or suits, due to, arising out of, or resulting from, immediately or remotely, the possible contaminated condition, ownership, use, occupation, or presence of the grantee, or any other person, upon the property, lawfully or otherwise.