§ 650.11 - Reporting requirements.  

Latest version.
  • The annual status reports required under the provisions of § 650.9 (RCS DD-I&L (A) 1269) will be prepared, using the following format. Each topic will be addressed in sufficient detail to give the next higher headquarters an understanding of the overall environmental program, specific accomplishments, problem areas, and planned new initiatives.

    (a) Environmental protection organization.

    (1) Organizational structure for environmental matters.

    (2) Staffing and management procedures.

    (b) National Environmental Policy Act implementation.

    (1) Summary of environmental assessments made.

    (2) Environmental impact statements prepared and their status.

    (c) Air pollution control.

    (1) Status of compliance with applicable air quality standards.

    (2) Status of corrective projects.

    (3) Summary of litigation actions, if any.

    (d) Water pollution control.

    (1) Status of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits requested and issued.

    (2) Status of compliance with applicable water quality standards and permit provisions.

    (3) Status of corrective projects.

    (4) Summary of litigation actions, if any.

    (e) Noise pollution control.

    (1) Summary of major sources.

    (2) Status of corrective measures.

    (3) Summary of complaints/litigation, if any.

    (f) Radiation pollution control.

    (1) Summary of ionizing sources.

    (2) Status of protective measures.

    (g) Solid waste management.

    (1) Summary of waste disposal operations.

    (2) Waste recycling (equipment installed and in use, quantities and types of materials recycled, funds derived from sale of waste materials and use made of such funds).

    (h) Toxic and hazardous materials management.

    (1) Identification of significant toxic materials being controlled.

    (2) Summary of types and protective measures for control of oil spills, disposal of toxic chemicals, etc.

    (3) Identification of unique problems.

    (i) Land management.

    (1) Summary of conservation activities (forest, fish and wildlife management, etc.).

    (2) Summary of historical and archeological sites and facilities and related preservation activities.

    (3) Summary of installation attractiveness program and activities.

    (j) Environmental research programs (if applicable).

    (1) Summary of ongoing environmental research activities by pollution control media (air, water, etc.).

    (2) Summary of technology-application activities.

    (3) Identification of new research requirements.

    (k) Environmental education, training and information programs.

    (1) Status of individual and unit education training activities.

    (2) Summary of environmental protection courses given or attended (TRADOC Report will include courses and student attendance at courses in Army School System).

    (3) Summary of public information activities.

    (l) Environmental enhancement activities.

    (1) Summary of environmental enhancement activities and projects conducted in support of Keep America Beautiful, Defense Community Service Program, etc. (includes activities by active and Reserve units).