§ 811a.1 - Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • This part establishes policy for the management of the Air Force visual information documentation (VIDOC) program. It implements Department of Defense (DOD) Directive 5040.2 and describes how the program is accomplished. It applies to all Air Force personnel including United States Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard units and members. The term major command (MAJCOM), when used in this part includes separate operating agencies and direct reporting units. The Air Force VIDOC program:

    (a) Records, through visual information (VI) means (still photographs, motion pictures, video, audio tape, and so forth), imagery of significant Air Force events that document the employment, growth, progress, and exercise of Air Force resources during peacetime and in combat.

    (b) Collects and preserves visual imagery of significant Air Force events with known or potential historical or archival value.

    (c) Ensures imagery which depicts the prime mission, support activities, and significant events of key Air Force organizations is available. VIDOC imagery or products are used for many purposes, at all levels, in the Air Force. Examples are:

    (1) Immediate use. Documentation used to help analyze and evaluate concepts and results of deployments, contingencies, tests, exercises, and so forth, during peacetime and in combat to support Air Force, DOD, and national objectives. VIDOC provides source material for slides, motion picture clips, video tapes, multimedia products, and so forth; used for training, management, information, and briefing purposes. In wartime, products are used to support theater commanders psychological operations objectives, operational briefings, status reports, public affairs requirements, collateral intelligence, and the historical record.

    (2) Future use. VIDOC materials with long-term or permanent value are retained in DOD central record centers, the National Air and Space Museum, and the National Archives. These make up the pictorial records of development, growth, and progress of air power and provide a continued resource for VI productions and other media presentations.