Appendix A to Part 150 - Deepwater Port Safety Zone Boundaries

Latest version.
  • I. Purpose. This appendix contains a general description of the deepwater port safety zone designated and developed during the license application review process for each deepwater port that has been authorized for contruction and operation off the United States coastline. Annexes show, to the nearest second of latitude and longitude, the geographical boundaries of each resultant safety zone. (Shipping safety fairways associated with the Deepwater Ports are descibed in Part 166 of this Title.)

    The regulations in Subpart C of this part concerning vessel navigation and activities permitted and prohibited at U.S. deepwater ports apply only in the safety zone areas and adjacent waters and supplement the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.

    II. Authority. Section 10(d) of the Deepwater Port Act of 1974 (88 Stat. 2138 (33 U.S.C. 1509(d))) and Section 4(c) of the Ports and Waterways Safety Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. 1223(c)); 49 CFR 1.46.

    III. General. Deepwater port safety zones are established to promote safety of life and property, marine environmental protection and navigational safety at any deepwater port and adjacent waters. In a deepwater port safety zone no installations, structures, or uses that are incompatible with port operations are permitted. The configuration of each designated safety zone is depicted on current editions of the navigational charts that cover the deepwater port area.

    IV. Modifications. Safety zone boundaries are subject to modification as experience is gained in U.S. deepwaters port operations. Modifications will be made only after due notification and consideration of the views of interested persons.

    V. Geographic coordinates expressed in terms of latitude or longitude, or both, are not intended for plotting on maps or charts whose referenced horizontal datum is the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83), unless such geographic coordinates are expressly labeled NAD 83. Geographic coordinates without the NAD 83 reference may be plotted on maps or charts referenced to NAD 83 only after application of the appropriate corrections that are published on the particular map or chart being used.

    Annex A—LOOP, Inc. Deepwater Port, Gulf of Mexico[(a) Deepwater Port Safety Zone]Latitude N.Longitude W.(1) Starting at: 28°55′23″90°00′37″ (2) A rhumb line to 28°53′50″90°04′07″ (3) Then an arc with a 4,465 meter (4,883 yard) radius centered at the port pumping platform complex (PPC), 28°53′06″90°01′30″ (4) to a point 28°51′07″90°03′06″ (5) Then a rhumb line to 28°50′09″90°02′24″ (6) Then a rhumb line to 28°49′05″89°55′54″ (7) Then a rhumb line to 28°48′36″89°55′00″ (8) Then a rhumb line to 28°52′04″89°52′42″ (9) Then a rhumb line to 28°53′10″89°53′42″ (10) Then a rhumb line to 28°54′52″89°57′00″ (11) Then a rhumb line to 28°54′52″89°59′36″ (12) Then an arc with a 4,465 meter (4,883 yard) radius centered again at the port PPC, (13) To the point of starting, 28°55′23″90°00′37″

    (b) Areas to be Avoided. The seven areas within the safety zone to be avoided are as follows:

    (1) The area encompassed within a circle having a 600 meter radius around the port PPC and centered at: Latitude N.Longitude W. 28°53′06″90°01′30″ (2) The six areas encompassed within a circle having a 500 meter radius around each single point mooring (SPM) at the port and centered at: Latitude N.Longitude W. 28°54′12″90°00′37″ 28°53′16″89°59′59″ 28°52′15″90°00′19″ 28°51′45″90°01′25″ 28°52′08″90°02′33″ 28°53′07″90°03′02″

    (c) Anchorage Area. The area within the safety zone enclosed by rhumb lines joining points at:

    Latitude N.Longitude W. 28°52′21″89°57′47″ 28°54′05″89°56′38″ 28°52′04″89°52′42″ 28°50′20″89°53′51″ 28°52′21″89°57′47″