§ 149.483 - Fire fighting system for helicopter pads.

Latest version.
  • (a) Each PPC helicopter landing pad must have the following:

    (1) A fire extinguishing system designed to:

    (i) Deliver a minimum of 200 g.p.m. of water at the pressure required to overcome friction in the piping and hose lines, and produce the nozzle discharge requirements in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section for 15 minutes; and

    (ii) Not interfere with the simultaneous operation of the fire main.

    (2) Shutoff type nozzles designed:

    (i) For use with a foam concentrate listed or approved by a recognized testing agency for fire extinguishing agents;

    (ii) To discharge water-foam concentrate solution or water fog at a rate of 100 g.p.m. at a pressure that will provide a foam discharge pattern at a 20 foot range with 15 foot width variable to a solid stream of foam with a minimum 50 foot range; and

    (iii) To produce foam having a minimum expansion of eight, with a 25 percent drainage time of at least 5 minutes when protein base foam is used.

    (3) Nozzles located so as to provide complete coverage of the helicopter landing area.

    (4) A means of activating the general alarm system required by § 149.541.

    (b) Aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) may be substituted for protein base foam. Generally, the quantity of water may be reduced by 30 percent from that specified for use with protein base foam. This reduction will be authorized by the Commandant on a case-by-case basis.

    (c) Other extinguishing agents that would provide an equivalent fire fighting capability may be substituted with the approval of the Commandant.