§ 149.526 - Approved ring life buoys (Type IV personal flotation devices).  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each PPC must have at least 8 approved ring life buoys (Type IV PFDs) and mounting racks distributed about the perimeter of the platform.

    (b) Each ring life buoy must be constructed in accordance with 46 CFR Subpart 160.050 except a ring life buoy that was approved under former 46 CFR Subpart 160.009 may be used as long as it is in good and serviceable condition. Each ring life buoy must be of the 30-inch size, international orange, and easily accessible to persons on board.

    (c) At least fifty percent of the ring life buoys required by this section must have an electric water light approved under 46 CFR 161.010.

    (d) At least one ring life buoy on each side of the platform must have a buoyant line attached to it that is 11/2 times the distance from the buoy to the mean low water line of the platform, or 15 fathoms in length, whichever is greater.