§ 149.795 - Radar beacon.  

Latest version.
  • The tallest platform must have an FCC type accepted radar beacon (RACON) that:

    (a) Transmits in—

    (1) Both the 2900-3100 MHz and 9300-9500 MHz frequency bands, or

    (2) The 9320-9500 MHz frequency band if installed prior to July 8, 1991.

    (b) Transmits a signal of a least 250 milliwatts radiated power that is omnidirectional and polarized in the horizontal plane;

    (c) Transmits a 2 or more element Morse code character, the length of which does not exceed 25% of the radar range expected to be used by vessels operating in the area;

    (d) If of the frequency agile type, is programmed so that it will respond at least 40% of the time but not more than 90% of the time, with a response time duration of at least 15 seconds; and

    (e) Is installed at a minimum height of 15 feet above the highest deck of the platform and where the structure of the platform, or equipment mounted thereon, does not obstruct the signal propagation in any direction.