Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 33 - Navigation and Navigable Waters |
Chapter I - Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security |
SubChapter P - Ports and Waterways Safety |
Part 165 - Regulated Navigation Areas and Limited Access Areas |
Subpart F - Specific Regulated Navigation Areas and Limited Access Areas |
First Coast Guard District |
§ 165.T01-0239 - Safety zones; Marine events within the Captain of the Port Sector Northern New England area of responsibility.
Safety zones. (1) The following areas are designated safety zones:(2)
Locations. For all fireworks events listed in the events table in this paragraph (a)(2), all navigable waters within a 350 yard radius of the fireworks launch site. For all power boat races, regattas, boat parades, rowing races, and paddling boat races, all vessels not associated with the event must maintain a 50 yard radius around all vessels participating in the event.Events Table 5.0 MAY 5.1Downeast Adventure Race Event Type: Rowing and paddling boat race. - Sponsor: Washington County Community College.
Date: May 1, 2010. Enforcement Time: 10 am to 2 pm. Location: The regulated area includes all U.S. waters in the Saint Croix River from the launch site in Calais, Maine at approximate position 45°11′24″ N, 067°16′48″ W (NAD 83), following the river bank to the end site at position 44°10′07″ N, 067°14′29″ W (NAD 83). 5.2Hampton Beach Fireworks Event Type: Fireworks display. - Sponsor: Hampton Beach Village District.
Dates: Every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from May 5, 2010 through September 29, 2010, as specified in the USCG District 1 Local Notice to Mariners at: .Enforcement Time: 8 pm to 10:30 pm. Location: In the vicinity of the Hampton Beach, New Hampshire waterfront in approximate position 42°54′33″ N, 070°48′38″ W (NAD 83). 5.3Tall Ships Visiting Portsmouth Event Type: Regatta and boat parade. - Sponsor: Portsmouth Maritime Commission, Inc.
Date: May 28 through May 31, 2010 Enforcement Time: 10 am to 7 pm. Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire within the following points (NAD 83): 43°03′11″ N070°42′26″ W 43°03′18″ N070°41′51″ W 43°04′42″ N070°42′11″ W 43°04′28″ N070°44′12″ W 43°05′36″ N070°45′56″ W 43°05′29″ N070°46′09″ W 43°04′19″ N070°44′16″ W 43°04′22″ N070°42′33″ W 6.0 JUNE 6.1Bar Harbor Blessing of the Fleet Event Type: Regatta and boat parade. - Sponsor: Town of Bar Harbor, Maine.
Date: June 6, 2010. Enforcement Time: 12 pm to 1:30 pm. Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Bar Harbor, Maine within the following points (NAD 83): 44°23′32″ N068°12′19″ W 44°23′30″ N068°12′00″ W 44°23′37″ N068°12′00″ W 44°23′35″ N068°12′19″ W 6.2Boothbay Harbor Lobster Boat Races Event Type: Power boat race. - Sponsor: Boothbay Harbor Lobster Boat Race Committee.
Date: June 19, 2010. Enforcement Time: 10 am to 3 pm. Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Boothbay Harbor, Maine within the following points (NAD 83): 43°50′04″ N069°38′37″ W 43°50′54″ N069°38′06″ W 43°50′49″ N069°37′50″ W 43°50′00″ N069°38′20″ W 6.3Rockland Harbor Lobster Boat Races Event Type: Power boat race. - Sponsor: Rockland Harbor Lobster Boat Race Committee.
Date: June 20, 2010. Enforcement Time: 10 am to 3 pm. Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Rockland Harbor, Maine within the following points (NAD 83): 44°05′59″ N069°04′53″ W 44°06′43″ N069°05′25″ W 44°06′50″ N069°05′05″ W 44°06′05″ N069°04′34″ W 6.4Windjammer Days Parade of Ships Event Type: Regatta and boat parade. - Sponsor: Boothbay Region Chamber of Commerce.
Date: June 22 & 23, 2010. Enforcement Time: 12 pm to 5 pm. Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Boothbay Harbor, Maine within the following points (NAD 83): 43°51′02″ N069°37′33″ W 43°50′47″ N069°37′31″ W 43°50′23″ N069°37′57″ W 43°50′01″ N069°37′45″ W 43°50′01″ N069°38′31″ W 43°50′25″ N069°38′25″ W 43°50′49″ N069°37′45″ W 6.5Windjammer Days Fireworks Event Type: Fireworks display. - Sponsor: Boothbay Harbor Region Chamber of Commerce.
Date: June 23, 2010. Enforcement Time: 8 pm to 10:30 pm. Location: In the vicinity of McFarland Island, Boothbay Harbor, Maine in approximate position 43°50′38″ N, 069°37′57″ W (NAD 83). (b)
Notification. Coast Guard Sector Northern New England will cause notice of the enforcement of these temporary safety zones to be made by all appropriate means to affect the widest publicity among the effected segments of the public, including publication in the Local Notice to Mariners and Broadcast Notice to Mariners.(c)
Effective period. This rule is effective from 10 a.m. on May 1, 2010, through 11:59 p.m. on September 29, 2010.(d)
Enforcement period. This section will be enforced for the duration of each event indicated in the table in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. If the event is cancelled due to inclement weather, this section is in effect for the day following the scheduled time listed in the table above. Notification of events held on a rain date will be made by Broadcast Notice to Mariners.(e)
Regulations. (1) The general regulations contained in 33 CFR 165.23 apply. During the enforcement period, entry into, transiting, remaining within, mooring or anchoring within these safety zones is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port or his designated representatives.(2) These temporary safety zones are closed to all vessel traffic, except as may be permitted by the Captain of the Port or his designated representatives. Vessel operators given permission to enter or operate in the safety zones must comply with all directions given to them by the Captain of the Port or his designated representatives. Vessels that are granted permission by the Captain of the Port or designated representative to enter or remain within a safety zone may be required to be at anchor or moored to a waterfront facility such that the vessel's location will not interfere with the progress of the event. At all times when a vessel has been granted permission to enter within a safety zone, it shall endeavor to
maintain at least 50 yards distance from any event participant unless otherwise directed. (3) The “designated representative” is any Coast Guard commissioned, warrant, or petty officer who has been designated by the Captain of the Port to act on his behalf. The designated representative will be aboard either a Coast Guard or Coast Guard Auxiliary vessel.
(4) Vessel operators desiring to enter or operate within the safety zones shall telephone the Captain of the Port at 207-767-0303, or his designated representative via VHF Channel 16 to obtain permission to do so.
(5) The Captain of the Port or his designated representative may delay or terminate any event listed in the events table in paragraph (a)(2) of this section to ensure safety. Such action may be required as a result of weather, vessel traffic density, spectator activities or participant behavior.