Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 33 - Navigation and Navigable Waters |
Chapter I - Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security |
SubChapter P - Ports and Waterways Safety |
Part 165 - Regulated Navigation Areas and Limited Access Areas |
Subpart F - Specific Regulated Navigation Areas and Limited Access Areas |
First Coast Guard District |
§ 165.T01-0876 - Regulated Navigation Area - Weymouth Fore River, Fore River Bridge Construction, Weymouth and Quincy, MA.
§ 165.T01-0876 Regulated Navigation Area - Weymouth Fore River, Fore River Bridge Construction, Weymouth and Quincy, MA.
(a) Location. The following is a regulated navigation area: all U.S. navigable waters surrounding the Weymouth Fore River bridge (Mile 3.5), between Weymouth and Quincy, MA; from surface to bottom, within the following points (NAD 83): from a line extending from 42°14′46.392″ N, 070°58′2.964″ W, thence along a line 120°T to 42°14′44.376″ N, 070°57′52.992″ W, thence south along the shoreline to 42°14′35.052″ N, 070°57′59.364″ W, thence along a line 291°T to 42°14′38.58″ N, 070°58′15.348″ W, thence north along the shoreline to the first point.
(b) Effective and enforcement periods. This rule is effective from October 28, 2013 until December 31, 2017. This RNA will be enforced intermittently, depending on risks posed by the ongoing construction project. Periods of enforcement will be published in the Federal Register via a Notice of Enforcement and may be publicized via Local Notice to Mariners or Broadcast Notice to Mariners.
(c) Regulations.
(1) The general regulations contained in 33 CFR 165.10, 165.11, and 165.13 apply.
(2) In accordance with the general regulations, entry into, anchoring, or movement within the RNA, during periods of enforcement, is prohibited unless authorized by the First District Commander, the Captain of the Port Boston (COTP), or the COTP's designated representative.
(3) During periods of enforcement, entry and movement within the RNA is subject to a “Slow-No Wake” speed limit. Vessels within the RNA may not produce more than a minimum wake and may not attain speeds greater than three knots unless a higher minimum speed is necessary to maintain steerageway when traveling with a strong current. In no case may the wake produced by a vessel within the RNA be such that it creates a danger of injury to persons or damage to vessels or structures of any kind.
(4) During periods of enforcement, all persons and vessels permitted to operate within the RNA must comply with all orders and directions from the First District Commander, the COTP, or the COTP's designated representative.
(5) During periods of enforcement, all persons and vessels permitted to operate within the RNA must proceed as directed when hailed by a Coast Guard vessel by siren, radio, flashing light or other means.
(6) Vessel operators desiring to enter or operate within the RNA during an enforcement period shall contact the COTP or the designated on-scene representative via VHF channel 16 or 617-223-3201 (Sector Boston command Center) to obtain permission.
(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, the Inland Navigation Rules (33 CFR subchapter E) are still in effect and must be strictly adhered to at all times.