§ 165.T05-0279 - xxx  

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  • § 165.T05-0279 Safety Zone, Delaware River; Dredging.

    (a) Location. The following areas are safety zones:

    (1) Safety zone one includes all waters within 150 yards of the dredge ILLINOIS and all related dredge equipment.

    (2) Safety zone two includes all the waters of Pea Patch Island Anchorage No. 5 found in 33 CFR 110.157(a)(6), where submerged pipeline will be located causing a hazard to anchoring vessels. The safety zone will be in place only during the time in which the dredge ILLINOIS is conducting dredging operations in New Castle Range.

    (3) Safety zone three includes all the waters of Marcus Hook Anchorage No. 7 found in 33 CFR 110.157(a)(8). The safety zone will be in place only during the time in which the dredge ILLINOIS is conducting dredging operations in Marcus Hook Range.

    (b) Definitions.

    (1) The Captain of the Port (COTP) means the Commander Sector Delaware Bay or any Coast Guard commissioned, warrant, or petty officer who has been authorized by the Captain of the Port to act on their behalf.

    (2) Designated representative means any Coast Guard commissioned, warrant or petty officer who has been authorized by the Captain of the Port, Delaware Bay, to assist with the enforcement of safety zones described in paragraph (a) of this section.

    (c) Regulations. The general safety zone regulations found in subpart C of this part apply to the safety zone created by this section.

    (1) Safety zone two will be in place only during the time that dredge ILLINOIS is conducting dredging operations in New Castle Range. Safety zone three will be in place only during time in which the dredge ILLINOIS is conducting dredging operations in Marcus Hook Range.

    (2) Vessels requesting to transit Marcus Hook Range shall contact the dredge ILLINOIS on VHF channel 13 or 16, at least 1 hour, as well as 30 minutes, prior to arrival. Vessels shall then transit around the dredge project, utilizing Marcus Hook Anchorage, while operating at the minimum safe speed necessary to maintain steerage and reduced wake.

    (3) Vessels wishing to anchor in Marcus Hook Anchorage No. 7 during the time in which the dredge ILLINOIS is conducting dredging operations in Marcus Hook Range, must obtain permission from the COTP at least 24 hours in advance by calling 215-271-4807. The COTP will permit one vessel at a time to anchor on a “first-come, first-served” basis. Vessel will only be allowed to anchor for a 12 hour period. Vessels that require an examination by the Public Health Service, Customs or Immigration authorities will be directed to an anchorage by the COTP for the required inspection. Vessels are encouraged to use Mantua Creek Anchorage No. 9, Naval Base Philadelphia Anchorage No. 10, and Deepwater Point Anchorage No. 6 as alternative anchorages.

    (4) The Captain of the Port will implement and terminate the safety zones individually once all submerged pipeline has been recovered and dredging operations are completed in each range respectively. Notice of the implementation and the termination of the safety zone will be made in accordance with § 165.7.

    (5) Entry into, transiting, or anchoring within the safety zone is prohibited unless vessels obtain permission from the Captain of the Port or make satisfactory passing arrangements, via VHF-FM channel 16, with the dredge ILLINOIS per this rule and the Rules of the Road (33 CFR chapter I, subchapter E).

    (6) To request permission to enter the safety zone, the Captain of the Port's representative can be contact via VHF-FM channel 16. Vessels granted permission to enter and transit through the safety zone must do so in accordance with the directions provided by the Captain of the Port or designated representative. No person or vessel may enter or remain in a safety zone without permission from the Captain of the Port. All persons and vessels within a safety zone shall obey the directions or orders of the Captain of the Port or their designated representative.

    (7) At least one side of the main navigational channel will be kept clear for safe passage of vessels in the vicinity of the safety zones. At no time will the main navigational channel be closed to vessel traffic. Vessels requesting to transit shall contact the dredge ILLINOIS on VHF channel 13 or 16, at least 1 hour, as well as 30 minutes, prior to arrival.

    (8) This section applies to all vessels that intend to transit through the safety zones except vessels that are engaged in the following operations: enforcement of laws; service of aids to navigation, and emergency response.

    (d) Enforcement. These safety zones will be enforced with actual notice by the U.S. Coast Guard representatives on scene, as well as other methods listed in § 165.7.