Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 33 - Navigation and Navigable Waters |
Chapter I - Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security |
SubChapter P - Ports and Waterways Safety |
Part 165 - Regulated Navigation Areas and Limited Access Areas |
Subpart F - Specific Regulated Navigation Areas and Limited Access Areas |
Fifth Coast Guard District |
§ 165.T05-0767 - Security Zone, Baltimore Harbor, Baltimore's Inner Harbor; Baltimore, MD.
Location. The following area is a security zone: all waters of Baltimore Harbor, Baltimore's Inner Harbor, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded on the east by a line drawn from position latitude 39°17′03.41″ N, longitude 076°36′28.35″ W southerly to position latitude 39°16′58.24″ N, longitude 076°36′27.59″ W, located along the waterfront at Baltimore, MD. All coordinates refer to datum NAD 1983.(b)
Regulations. The general security zone regulations found in 33 CFR 165.33 apply to the security zone created by this temporary § 165.T05.0767.(1) All persons are required to comply with the general regulations governing security zones found in 33 CFR 165.33.
(2) Entry into or remaining in this zone is prohibited unless authorized by the Coast Guard Captain of the Port Baltimore. Vessels already at berth, mooring, or anchor at the time the security zone is implemented do not have to depart the security zone. All vessels underway within this security zone at the time it is implemented are to depart the zone.
(3) Persons desiring to transit the area of the security zone must first obtain authorization from the Captain of the Port Baltimore or his designated representative. To seek permission to transit the area, the Captain of the Port Baltimore and his designated representatives can be contacted at telephone number 410-576-2693 or on Marine Band Radio, VHF-FM channel 16 (156.8 MHz). The Coast Guard vessels enforcing this section can be contacted on Marine Band Radio, VHF-FM channel 16 (156.8 MHz). Upon being hailed by a U.S. Coast Guard vessel, or other Federal, State, or local agency vessel, by siren, radio, flashing light, or other means, the operator of a vessel shall proceed as directed. If permission is granted, all persons and vessels must comply with the instructions of the Captain of the Port Baltimore or his designated representative and proceed at the minimum speed necessary to maintain a safe course while within the zone.
Enforcement. The U.S. Coast Guard may be assisted in the patrol and enforcement of the zone by Federal, State, and local agencies.(c)
Definitions. As used in this section:Captain of the Port Baltimore means the Commander, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Baltimore, Maryland or any Coast Guard commissioned, warrant or petty officer who has been authorized by the Captain of the Port to act on his behalf.Designated representative means any Coast Guard commissioned, warrant, or petty officer who has been authorized by the Captain of the Port Baltimore to assist in enforcing the security zone described in paragraph (a) of this section.(d)
Effective period. This rule is effective from 5 p.m. until 11:59 p.m. on September 5, 2013.(e)
Enforcement period. This section will be enforced from 5 p.m. until 11:59 p.m. on September 5, 2013.