Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 33 - Navigation and Navigable Waters |
Chapter I—Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security |
SubChapter P—Ports and Waterways Safety |
Part 165 - Regulated Navigation Areas and Limited Access Areas |
Subpart F - Specific Regulated Navigation Areas and Limited Access Areas |
Fifth Coast Guard District |
§ 165.T05-1004 - Safety Zones, Delaware River Dredging; Marcus Hook, PA
§ 165.T05-1004 Safety Zones, Delaware River Dredging; Marcus Hook, PA
(a) Location. The following areas are safety zones:
(1) Safety Zone One includes all waters within 250 yards of the dredge displaying lights and shapes for vessels restricted in ability to maneuver as described in 33 CFR 83.27, as well as all related dredge equipment, while the dredge is operating in Marcus Hook Range. For enforcement purposes Marcus Hook Range includes all navigable waters of the Delaware River shoreline to shoreline, bound by a line drawn perpendicular to the center line of the channel at the farthest upriver point of the range to a line drawn perpendicular to the center line of the channel at the farthest downriver point of the range.
(2) Safety Zone Two includes all the waters of Anchorage 7 off Marcus Hook Range, as described in 33 CFR 110.157(a)(8) and depicted on U.S. Nautical Chart 12312.
(b) Definitions. As used in this section—
Designated representative means any Coast Guard commissioned, warrant, or petty officer who has been authorized by the Captain of the Port to assist with enforcement of the safety zones described in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section.
(c) Regulations.
(1) Entry into or transiting within Safety Zone One is prohibited unless vessels obtain permission from the Captain of the Port via VHF-FM channel 16 or 215-271-4807, or make satisfactory passing arrangements via VHF-FM channel 13 or 16 with the operating dredge per this section and the rules of the Road (33 CFR subchapter E). Vessels requesting to transit shall contact the operating dredge via VHF-FM channel 13 or 16 at least 1 hour prior to arrival.
(2) Vessels desiring to anchor in Safety Zone Two, Anchorage 7 off Marcus Hook Range, must obtain permission from the COTP at least 24 hours in advance by calling (215) 271-4807. The COTP will permit, at maximum, one vessel at a time to anchor on a “first-come, first-served” basis. Vessels will only be allowed to anchor for a 12 hour period. Vessels that require an examination by the Public Health Service, Customs, or Immigration authorities will be directed to an anchorage for the required inspection by the COTP.
(3) Vessels desiring to anchor in Safety Zone Two, Anchorage 7 off Marcus Hook Range, must be at least 650 feet in length overall.
(4) This section applies to all vessels except those engaged in the following operations: enforcement of laws, service of aids to navigation, and emergency response.
(d) Enforcement. The U.S. Coast Guard may be assisted by federal, state and local agencies in the patrol and enforcement of the zone.
(e) Enforcement period. This rule will be in effect and subject to enforcement from February 6, 2024 through April 30, 2024. If the Captain of the Port determines that conditions no longer warrant enforcement of the rule, he will provide notice to that effect via Marine Safety Information Bulletin and Broadcast Notice to Mariners.
[USCG-2024-0128, 89 FR 8996, Feb. 9, 2024]