Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 33 - Navigation and Navigable Waters |
Chapter I - Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security |
SubChapter P - Ports and Waterways Safety |
Part 165 - Regulated Navigation Areas and Limited Access Areas |
Subpart F - Specific Regulated Navigation Areas and Limited Access Areas |
Eighth Coast Guard District |
§ 165.T08-019 - Regulated Navigation Area; Reporting Requirements for Barges Loaded with Certain Dangerous Cargoes, Inland Rivers, Eighth Coast Guard District.
Regulated Navigation Area . The following waters are a Regulated Navigation Area (RNA): Mississippi River above mile 235.0, Above Head of Passes, including all its tributaries; the Atchafalaya River above mile 55.0 including the Red River; the Ohio River and all its tributaries; and the Tennessee River from its confluence with the Ohio River to mile zero on the Mobile River and all other tributaries between these two rivers.(b)
Applicability . This section applies to operators of barges loading or loaded with certain dangerous cargoes (CDCs) within the Regulated Navigation Area. This section does not apply to operators of “empty” CDC barges, as defined in the definitions section.(c)
Definitions . As used in this section:Barge means a non-self propelled vessel engaged in commerce, as set out in 33 CFR 160. 204, published February 28, 2003 inNotification of Arrival in U.S. Ports , (68 FR 9537, 9544).Certain Dangerous Cargoes (CDCs) includes any of the following:(1) Division 1.1 or 1.2 explosives as defined in 49 CFR 173.50, and that is in a quantity in excess of 100 metric tons per barge.
(2) Division 1.5D blasting agents for which a permit is required under 49 CFR 176.415 or, for which a permit is required as a condition of a Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA) exemption, and that is in a quantity in excess of 100 metric tons per barge.
(3) Division 2.3 “poisonous gas”, as listed in 49 CFR 172.101 that is also a “material poisonous by inhalation” as defined in 49 CFR 171.8, and that is in a quantity in excess of 1 metric ton per barge.
(4) Division 5.1 “Ammonium Nitrate and Certain Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizers” for which a permit is required under 49 CFR 176.415, or for which a permit is required as a condition of a RSPA exemption, and that is in a
quantity in excess of 100 metric tons per barge. (5) A liquid material that has a primary or subsidiary classification of Division 6.1 “poisonous material” as listed in 49 CFR 172.101 that is also a “material poisonous by inhalation”, as defined in 49 CFR 171.8 and that is in a bulk packaging, or that is in a quantity in excess of 20 metric tons per barge when not in a bulk packaging.
(6) Class 7, “highway route controlled quantity” radioactive material or “fissile material, controlled shipment”, as defined in 49 CFR 173.403.
(7) Bulk liquefied chlorine gas and Bulk liquefied gas cargo that is flammable and/or toxic and carried under 46 CFR 154.7.
(8) The following bulk liquids:
(i) Acetone cyanohydrin,
(ii) Allyl alcohol,
(iii) Chlorosulfonic acid,
(iv) Crotonaldehyde,
(v) Ethylene chlorohydrin,
(vi) Ethylene dibromide,
(vii) Methacrylonitrile,
(viii) Oleum (fuming sulfuric acid), and
(ix) Propylene Oxide.
CDC barge means a barge loaded with CDCs.Downbound means the tow is traveling with the current.Eighth Coast Guard District means the Coast Guard District as set out in 33 CFR part 3.40-1.Empty means no product and the barge is certified as gas free by a marine chemist.Final destination means the final destination of the CDC barge(s); fleeting area, receiving facility or terminal.Gas free means the barge has been certified by a marine chemist to be gas free.Loaded means the barge is loaded, or containing CDC cargo residue and not gas free.Operator means any person, including but not limited to an owner, charterer, or contractor, who conducts or is responsible for the operation of a barge.Upbound means the tow is traveling against the current.(d)
Effective dates. This section is effective from April 16, 2003 through October 31, 2003.(e)
Regulations. (1) The operator of a barge(s) loaded with or being loaded with CDCs in the RNA must report to the Inland River Vessel Movement Center (IRVMC):(i) 4 hours prior to loading a barge(s) with CDCs:
(ii) 4 hours prior to dropping off a CDC barge(s) at a fleeting area;
(iii) 4 hours prior to picking up a CDC barge(s) from a fleeting area;
(iv) 4 hours prior to getting underway with a CDC barge(s) within the RNA;
(v) upon point of entry into the RNA with a CDC barge(s);
(vi) at designated reporting points, set forth in Table 165.T08-019(f), in paragraph (f) of this section;
(vii) when the estimated time of arrival (ETA) to a reporting point varies by 6 hours from the previously reported ETA;
(viii) any significant deviation from previously reported information;
(ix) upon arrival at a “final” destination with a CDC barge(s), if arrival is within the RNA;
(x) upon departing the RNA with a CDC barge(s); and
(xi) when directed by the IRVMC.
(2) Each report to the IRVMC must contain all the information items specified in Table 165.T08-019(g), in paragraph (g) of this section.
(3) Reports required by this section must be made to the IRVMC either by telephone toll free to (866) 442-6089, by fax toll free to (866) 442-6107, or by e-mail to (4) The general regulations contained in 33 CFR 165.13 apply to this section.
Eighth Coast Guard District inland river reporting points. Operators of barges loading or loaded with CDCs must report the information required by this section at the reporting points designated in Table 165.T08-019(f) to this paragraph.Table 165.T08-019(f). Eighth Coast Guard District Inland River Reporting Points (1) Lower Mississippi River (LMR) Upbound Reporting Points, Mile Marker (M): (i) M 235.0 (Checking into RNA) (ii) M 310.0 (iii) M 385.0 (iv) M 460.0 (v) M 535.0 (vi) M 610.0 (vii) M 700.0 (viii) M 775.0 (ix) M 850.0 (x) M 925.0 (2) Lower Mississippi River (LMR) Downbound Reporting Points, Mile Marker (M): (i) M 850.0 (ii) M 775.0 (iii) M 650.0 (iv) M 525.0 (v) M 400.0 (vi) M 270.0 (vii) M 235.0 (Checking out of RNA) (3) Upper Mississippi River (UMR) Upbound Reporting Points: at Mile Marker (M) and when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D): (i) M 60.0 (ii) M 145.0 (iii) L&D 25 (iv) L&D 21 (v) L&D 18 (vi) L&D 14 (vii) L&D 11 (viii) L&D 8 (ix) L&D 4 (x) L&D 3 (4) Upper Mississippi River (UMR) Downbound Reporting Points, at Mile Marker (M) and when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D), unless otherwise indicated: (i) L&D 3 (ii) L&D 4 (iii) L&D 8 (iv) L&D 11 (v) L&D 14 (vi) L&D 18 (vii) L&D 21 (viii) L&D 25 (ix) Upon arriving at Melvin Price L&D (x) M 145.0 (xi) M 20.0 (5) Missouri River (MOR) Upbound Reporting Points, at Mile Marker (M): (i) M 30.0 (ii) M 120.0 (iii) M 225.0 (iv) M 325.0 (v) M 425.0 (vi) M 525.0 (vii) M 575.0 (viii) M 675.0 (ix) M 730.0 (6) Missouri River (MOR) Downbound Reporting Points, at Mile Marker (M): (i) M 730.0 (ii) M 675.0 (iii) M 550.0 (iv) M 400.0 (v) M 225.0 (vi) M 55.0 (7) Illinois River (ILR) Upbound Reporting Points, at Mile Marker (M) and when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D): (i) M 0.0 (ii) New LaGrange L&D (iii) M 140.0 (iv) M 187.2 (Checking out RNA) (8) Illinois River (ILR) Downbound Reporting Points, at mile marker and when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D): (i) 187.2 (Checking in RNA) (ii) New LaGrange L&D (9) Ohio River Upbound Reporting Points, at Mile Marker (M) and when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D), unless otherwise indicated: (i) M 920 (ii) Upon arriving at John T Meyers L&D (iii) M 825.0 (iv) M 747.0 (v) M 675.0 (vi) M 630.0 (vii) M 557.0 (viii) M 512.0 (ix) M 407.0 (x) Greenup L&D (xi) Robert C. Byrd L&D (xii) Belleville L&D (xiii) Hannibal L&D (xiv) Upon arriving at Montgomery L&D (10) Ohio River Downbound Reporting Points, at Mile Marker (M) and when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D), unless otherwise indicated: (i) Montgomery L&D (ii) Hannibal L&D (iii) Belleville L&D (iv) Robert C. Bryd L&D (v) Greenup L&D (vi) Capt Anthony Meldahl L&D (vii) M 550.0 (viii) M 650.0 (ix) M 750.0 (x) John T Meyers L&D (xi) Upon arriving at Smithland L&D (11) Allegheny River Upbound: (i) Report when departing RNA (12) Allegheny River Downbound Reporting Point, when Arriving Lock & Dam (L&D): (i) L&D 4 (13) Monongahela River Upbound: (i) No reporting point (14) Monongahela River Downbound Reporting Point, when Arriving Lock & Dam (L&D): (i) L&D 4 (ii) M 24.2 (15) Kanawha River Upbound Reporting Point, when Arriving Lock & Dam (L&D): (i) Winfield L&D (16) Kanawha River Downbound Reporting Point, when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D): (i) Winfield L&D (17) Cumberland River Upbound Reporting Points, at Mile Marker (M) and when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D): (i) Barkley L&D (ii) M 125.0 (18) Cumberland River Downbound Reporting Points, at Mile Marker (M) and when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D), unless otherwise indicated: (i) Upon arriving at the Old Hickory L&D (ii) M 125.0 (iii) Barkley L&D (19) Tennessee River Upbound Reporting Points, at Mile Marker (M) and when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D), unless otherwise indicated: (i) Kentucky L&D (ii) M 125.0 (iii) Pickwick Landing L&D (iv) General Joe Wheeler L&D (v) Gunterville L&D (vi) Nickajack L&D (vii) Watts Bar L&D (viii) Upon arriving at Fort Loudon L&D (20) Tennessee River Downbound Reporting Points, at Mile Marker (M) and when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D), unless otherwise indicated: (i) Fort Loudon L&D (ii) Watts Bar L&D (iii) Upon arriving at Chickamauga L&D (iv) Nickajack L&D (v) Gunterville L&D (vi) General Joe Wheeler L&D (vii) Pickwick Landing L&D (viii) M 125.0 (ix) Kentucky L&D (21) Tennessee-Tombigbee River, Upbound Reporting Points, at Mile Marker (M) and when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D): (i) Lock D (ii) Aberdeen L&D (iii) Aliceville L&D (iv) M 200.0 (v) M 100.0 Tombigbee River (22) Tennessee-Tombigbee River, Downbound Reporting Points, at Mile Marker (M) and when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D): (i) Coffeeville L&D (ii) M 200.0 (iii) Aliceville L&D (iv) Aberdeen L&D (v) Lock D (23) Mobile River, Upbound Reporting Point at Mile Marker (M): (i) 0.0 (Checking in RNA) (24) Mobile River, Downbound Reporting Point at Mile Marker (M): (i) 0.0 (Checking out RNA) (25) Black Warrior River, Upbound Reporting Point when Departing L&D: (i) Holt L&D (26) Black Warrior River, Downbound Reporting Point when Departing L&D: (i) Holt L&D (27) Alabama River, Upbound Reporting Points at Mile Marker (M) and when Departing L&D: (i) Claiborne L&D (ii) M 160.0 (iii) M 255.0 (28) Alabama River, Downbound Reporting Points when Departing L&D: (i) M 255.0 (ii) M 160.0 (iii) Claiborne L&D (29) McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System Upbound Reporting Points, when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D), unless otherwise indicated: (i) L&D 4 (ii) Upon arriving at David D. Terry L&D (iii) L&D 9 (iv) Ozark-Jeta Taylor L&D (v) W.D. Mayo L&D (vi) Chouteau L&D (30) McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System Downbound Reporting Points, when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D): (i) Chouteau L&D (ii) W.D. Mayo L&D (iii) Ozark-Jeta Taylor L&D (iv) L&D 9 (v) David D. Terry L&D (vi) L&D 2 (31) Red River Upbound Reporting Points, Mile Marker and when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D): (i) L.C. Boggs L&D (ii) Lock 3 (iii) M 180.0 (32) Red River Downbound Reporting Points, when Departing Lock & Dam (L&D): (i) Lock 3 (ii) L.C. Boggs L&D (33) Atchafalaya River, Upbound Reporting Point at Mile Marker (M): (i) 55.0 (Checking in RNA) (34) Atchafalaya River, Downbound Reporting Point at Mile Marker (M): (i) 55.0 (Checking out RNA) (g) Required information to be reported to the Inland River Vessel Movement Center (IRVMC). Operators of barges loading or loaded with CDCs must report the information required by this section, as set out in Table 165.T08-019(g) to this paragraph.Table 165.T08-019( g ). Required Information To Be Reported to the Inland River Vessel Movement Center (IRVMC)24 hr contact no. Name and location of the facility or terminal where the barge(s) will be loaded Name of vessel moving the barge(s) Barge(s) name Type, name and amount of CDC to be loaded or onboard Estimated time of departure from the fleeting area, facility or terminal Planned route, name and location of “final destination” (fleeting area, receiving facility or terminal), including estimated date of arrival Reporting point Estimated time of arrival (ETA) to next reporting point (1) 4 hours prior to loading a barge(s) with CDC X X X X (2) 4 hours prior to dropping off a CDC barge(s) to a fleeting area X X (3) 4 hours prior to picking up a CDC barge(s) from a fleeting area X X X X X X X (4) 4 hours prior to getting underway within the RNA X X X X X X X (5) Upon point of entry into the RNA X X X X X X X (6) At designated reporting points in Table 165.T08-019(f) X X ( 1 )( 1 )X X (7) When ETA to a reporting point varies by 6 hours from previously reported ETA X X ( 1 )X (8) Any significant deviation from previously reported information X X X X X X X X X (9) Upon arrival at destination X X (10) Upon departing the RNA X X X (11) When directed by the IRVMC X X X X X X X X X 1 If changed.(h) Deviation from the requirements of this section is prohibited unless specifically authorized by the Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District or designated representatives. Designated representatives include Captains of the Port within the Eighth Coast Guard District.