§ 165.T08-0355 - Safety Zone; Kanawha River, Charleston, WV.  

Latest version.
  • § 165.T08-0355 Safety Zone; Kanawha River, Charleston, WV.

    (a) Location. The following area is a safety zone: All navigable waters of the Kanawha River from mile marker 58.1 to mile marker 59.1 near Haddad Riverfront Park, Charleston, WV.

    (b) Definitions. Designated representative means a Coast Guard Patrol Commander (PATCOM), including a Coast Guard coxswain, petty officer, or other officer operating a Coast Guard vessel and a Federal, State, and local officer designated by or assisting the Captain of the Port Ohio Valley (COTP) in the enforcement of the regulations in this section.

    Participant means all persons and vessels registered with the event sponsor as a participant in the race.

    (c) Regulations.

    (1) The Coast Guard may patrol the event area under the direction of a designated Coast Guard Patrol Commander. The Patrol Commander may be contacted on Channel 16 VHF–FM (156.8 MHz) by the call sign “PATCOM.”

    (2) All persons and vessels not registered with the sponsor as participants or official patrol vessels are considered spectators. The “official patrol vessels” consist of any Coast Guard, state or local law enforcement and sponsor provided vessels assigned or approved by the Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District, to patrol the event.

    (3) Spectator vessels desiring to transit the regulated area may do so only with prior approval of the Patrol Commander and when so directed by that officer and will be operated at a no wake speed in a manner which will not endanger participants in the event or any other craft.

    (4) No spectator shall anchor, block, loiter, or impede the through transit of participants or official patrol vessels in the regulated area during the effective dates and times, unless cleared for entry by or through an official patrol vessel.

    (5) The Patrol Commander may forbid and control the movement of all vessels in the regulated area. When hailed or signaled by an official patrol vessel, a vessel shall come to an immediate stop and comply with the directions given. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the area, citation for failure to comply, or both.

    (6) Any spectator vessel may anchor outside the regulated area specified above, but may not anchor in, block, or loiter in a navigable channel.

    (7) The Patrol Commander may terminate the event or the operation of any vessel at any time it is deemed necessary for the protection of life or property.

    (8) To seek permission to enter, contact the COTP or the COTP's representative by VHF–FM marine radio channel 16 or phone at 1–800–253–7465. Those in the regulated area must comply with all lawful orders or directions given to them by the COTP or the designated representative.

    (9) The COTP will provide notice of the regulated area through advanced notice via local notice to mariners and broadcast notice to mariners and by on-scene designated representatives.

    (d) Enforcement periods.

    (1) The safety zone described in paragraph (a) will be enforced from 8:45 p.m. through 10:15 p.m. on June 30, 2023, with a rain date of July 1, 2023, or July 2, 2023.

    (2) The safety zone described in paragraph (a) will be enforced from 8:45 p.m. through 10:15 p.m. on July 4, 2023, with a rain date of September 4, 2023.

    [Doc. No. USCG–2023–0355, 88 FR 37149, June 7, 2023]