§ 165.T08-050 - Security Zones; Captain of the Port Houston-Galveston Zone.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Location. The following areas are designated as security zones:

    (1) Freeport, TX. (i) The Dow Barge Canal containing all waters bounded by its junction with the Intracoastal Waterway, by a line drawn between the eastern point at latitude 28°56′27′ N, 95°18′12′ W, and the western point at 28°56′22′ N, 95°18′20′ W (NAD 1983).

    (ii) The Brazos Harbor containing all waters west of a line drawn between the northern point at 28°56′15′ N, 95°20′03′ W, and the southern point 28°56′02′ N, 95°20′03′ W (NAD 1927) at its junction with the Old Brazos River Cut.

    (2) Texas City, TX. The Port of Texas City Channel, Turning Basin and Industrial Canal containing all waters bounded by the area south and west of a line drawn between Cut B Inner Range Rear Light (LLNR 24770), and Texas City Channel Light 19 (LLNR 24810).

    (3) Bayport, TX. The Port of Bayport, Bayport Ship and Bayport Turning Basin containing all waters south of a line drawn from Bayport Ship Channel Light 9 (LLNR-23295) and a western point at 29°36′26′ N, 95°01′17′ W (NAD 1983).

    (4) Houston, TX. The Houston Ship Channel and all associated turning basins, bounded by a line drawn between Houston Ship Channel Light 132 (LLNR-24445) and Houston Ship Channel Light 133 (LLNR-24450) west to the T & N Rail Road Swing Bridge at the entrance to Buffalo Bayou, including all waters adjacent to the ship channel from shoreline to shoreline and the first 200 yards of connecting waterways.

    (b) Effective dates. This rule is effective from 6 a.m. on May 20, 2002 through 6 a.m. on October 15, 2002.

    (c) Regulations. (1) Entry into these zones is prohibited except for the following:

    (i) Commercial vessels operating at waterfront facilities within these zones;

    (ii) Commercial vessels transiting directly to or from waterfront facilities within these zones;

    (iii) Vessels providing direct operational/logistic support to commercial vessels within these zones;

    (iv) Vessels operated by the appropriate port authority or by facilities located within these zones; and

    (v) Vessels operated by federal, state, county, or municipal agencies.

    (2) Other persons or vessels requiring entry into a zone described in this section must request express permission to enter from the Captain of the Port Houston-Galveston, or his designated representative.

    (3) To request permission as required by these regulations contact “Houston Traffic” via VHF Channels 11/12 or via phone at (713) 671-5103.

    (4) All persons and vessels shall comply with the instructions of the Captain of the Port Houston-Galveston and designated on-scene U.S. Coast Guard patrol personnel. On-scene U.S. Coast Guard patrol personnel include commissioned, warrant, and petty officers of the U.S. Coast Guard.