§ 165.T11-0523 - Safety Zone; Houma Navigation Canal, From Waterway Mile Markers 19.0 to 20.0, Southwest of Bayou Plat, Bank to Bank, Terrebonne Parish, LA.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Location. Houma Navigation Canal, from Waterway Mile Markers 19.0 to 20.0, Southwest of Bayou Plat, bank to bank, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana.

    (b) Effective date. This rule is effective June 27, 2011, through March 14, 2013.

    (c) Periods of enforcement. This rule will be enforced upon signature through March 14, 2013. The Captain of the Port Morgan City or a designated representative will inform the public through Broadcast Notice to Mariners of the enforcement period for the safety zone as well as any changes in the planned schedule.

    (d) Regulations. (1) In accordance with the general regulations in 33 CFR part 165, subpart C, entry into this zone should be at slowest safe speed to minimize wake unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Morgan City.

    (2) Mariners shall transit through the construction site and pass at slowest safe speed to minimize wake.

    (3) All persons and vessels shall comply with the instructions of the Captain of the Port Morgan City and designated on-scene patrol personnel. On-scene patrol personnel include commissioned, warrant, and petty officers of the U.S. Coast Guard.

    (4) Any anticipated waterway closures will be made through Broadcast Notice to Mariners and Local Notice to Mariners. During a closure, vessels requiring entry into or passage through the Safety Zone must request permission from the Captain of the Port Morgan City, or a designated representative and passage will be considered on a case-by-case basis. They may be contacted on VHF Channel 11, 13, or 16, or by telephone at (985) 380-5370.