Part 25 - Claims  

Subpart A - General
§ 25.101 - Purpose.
§ 25.103 - Information and assistance.
§ 25.105 - Definitions.
§ 25.107 - Who may present claims.
§ 25.109 - Insurance and other subrogated claims.
§ 25.111 - Action by claimant.
§ 25.113 - Contents of claim.
§ 25.115 - Evidence supporting a claim.
§ 25.117 - Proof of amount claimed for personal injury or death.
§ 25.119 - Proof of amount claimed for loss of, or damage to, property.
§ 25.121 - Effect of other payments to claimant.
§ 25.123 - Settlement and notice to claimant.
§ 25.125 - Appeal.
§ 25.127 - Reconsideration.
§ 25.129 - Acceptance of offer of settlement.
§ 25.131 - Delegation of authority.
§ 25.133 - Redelegation of authority.
§ 25.135 - Processing and settlement of claims in foreign countries.
Subpart B - Admiralty Claims
§ 25.201 - Scope.
§ 25.203 - Claims payable.
§ 25.205 - Claims not payable.
§ 25.207 - Time limitation on claims.
Subpart C - Federal Tort Claims
§ 25.301 - Scope.
§ 25.303 - Procedure.
Subpart D - Military Claims
§ 25.401 - Scope.
§ 25.403 - Claims payable.
§ 25.405 - Claims not payable.
§ 25.407 - Time limitation on claims.
§ 25.409 - Appeal.
Subpart E - Foreign Claims
§ 25.501 - Scope.
§ 25.503 - Proper claimants.
§ 25.505 - Claimants excluded.
§ 25.507 - Claims payable.
§ 25.509 - Claims not payable.
§ 25.511 - Time limitation on claims.
§ 25.513 - Amount claimed.
§ 25.515 - Settlement and notice to claimant.
Subpart F - Claims Not Cognizable Under Other Law
§ 25.601 - Scope.
§ 25.603 - Claims payable.
§ 25.605 - Claims not payable.
§ 25.607 - Time limitation on claims.
§ 25.609 - Settlement and notice to claimant.
Subpart G - Article 139, Uniform Code of Military Justice
§ 25.701 - Scope.
§ 25.703 - Claims payable.
§ 25.705 - Claims not payable.
§ 25.707 - Time limitation on claims.
§ 25.709 - Assessment limitation on claims.
Subpart H - Pollution Removal Damage Claims
§ 25.801 - Scope.
§ 25.803 - Claims payable.
§ 25.805 - Claims not payable.