§ 385.13 - Projects implemented under additional program authority.  

Latest version.
  • § 385.13 Projects implemented under additional program authority.

    (a) To expedite implementation of the Plan, the Corps of Engineers and non-Federal sponsors may implement projects under the authority of section 601(c) of WRDA 2000 that are described in the Plan and that will produce a substantial benefit to the restoration, preservation, and protection of the South Florida ecosystem.

    (b) Each project implemented under the authority of section 601(c) of WRDA 2000 shall:

    (1) In general, follow the process described in § 385.11;

    (2) Not be implemented until a Project Implementation Report is prepared and approved in accordance with § 385.26; and

    (3) Not exceed a total cost of $25,000,000.

    (c) The total aggregate cost of all projects implemented under the additional program authority shall not exceed $206,000,000.